King's Business - 1914-02



of Israel I have found no love but in the hearts of these Christians there is love, so there must be something in it»” At last we were told that the husband wished to see us. When we arrived the wife was weeping and her husband was seemingly very near the end. The man’s face was one never to be forgotten, worn and thin with two big bright eyes express­ ing intense anxiety, anguish and longing. The Missionary told him the story of Jesus, his. Messiah, quickly and simply, then ex­ claimed, out of a full heart, “Oh, if you would only trust my Lordl” Imagine her surprise when he emphatically said, “I will.” Scarcely believing him, she said, “Do you mean that you believe all these things?” and he said, “Yes, I do." "And you will trust Jesus for your salvation?” “Yes, I will.” said the sick man. God had answered prayer and the grace of God was shown in the salvation of another of God’s chosen people. The Scripture says, “Believe and live,” and, again, “If thou wilt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” “No one,” said the gentleman, “has ever explained it to me as you have.” “But that is the teaching of the Gospel. Will you accept it now, and let it be settled?” said the evan­ gelist. “I will,” was the response. After prayer and thanksgiving, the new convert reached his hand and said, “I am glad that mistake was made about the taxes.” A note since received says, "This is a live issue with me.” In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand; fo r thou knowest. not whether shall prosper, this or that.— Eccl. 11:6. Business and Evangelism. (Concluded from Page 117)

family, consisting of father, mother and five children, living in the rear of a little store, where the wife way trying to make the living. She was at first very unfriendly to the visitor and did not permit her to see the sick man. But the partition was thin and the visitor easily spoke so as to be heard in the other room. The wife was becoming interested when the husband angrily cried out, “Don’t have anything to do with that woman! Don’t speak to her! Make her get out! Get out! Get out of here!” Of course, she went, the wife fol­ lowing to ask questions and to hear more of these things which were so new and strange to her. They talked for perhaps half an hour about Jesus, their Messiah. Several calls were made at the home with gifts of chicken and other dainties for the sick man. The wife grew more friendly each visit and on one occasion when a Jew­ ish visitor said, “It’s all humbug,” replied very positively, “It’s not humbug. In all Studies in the Gospel of John. (Concluded from Page 92) light, choosing the darkness rather the light, hating, the light, hating and re­ jecting Him who is the Light, but the few coming to the Light, believing on the only begotten Son of God, letting their light shine before men so that their works are made manifest that they are wrought in God, brought to pass because of their union with God. ly higher still at a man’s prime. According to these scientifically calculated ratios, a man between the ages of forty and fifty has seventy-four per cent better chance of surviving .if he does not drink at all. Be­ tween .thirty and forty his advantage in the expectancy of life is sixty-eight per cent. See, also, HINTS AND HELPS. Junior Endeavor Topics. (Concluded from Page 105)

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