King's Business - 1914-02


sell. Ross. Paper. W h y I Am N ot a Christian Scientist. Evans. Paper. The C h ristian ’s Present Duty. Cook. Paper. S ig n s of the Times. Haldeman. The W o rk of Christ. Gaebelein. W h a t Is H e aven ? Marsh. Regular Price, $1.95. No. 33. The W orld and Its God. Mauro. Paper. Evolution. Mauro. Paper. B y W h at Means. Mauro. Paper. Reason T o Revelation. Mauro. Paper. God’s Pilgrim s. Mauro. Paper. Philosophy of the Twentieth Century. Mauro. Paper. God’s Gift and O ur Response. Mauro. Cloth. Life in the W ord. Mauro. Paper. Regular Price, $1.70. No. 34. Grace in Galatians. Bishop. The Ea rly Church; Orr. The W itne ss of the Bible. W ishart. God’s Plan of Soul W inning. Hogben. Regular Price, $2.00. No. 35. God's Masterpiece. Gaebelein. God’s Gospel and God’s Righteousness. Mauro. S ig n s of the Times. Regular Price, $1.75. Regular Price, $2.50. No. 44. Israel, M y Glory. W ilkinson. The Ea rly Church. Orr. The Gospel Message. Marsh. Satan. Chafer. Paper. How T o B rin g Men T o Christ. Torrey. Paper. God’s Masterpiece. Gaebelein. Regular Price, $2.50. No. 45. Christ, Christianity and the Bible. Halde­ man. True Evangelism . Chafer. The Return of the Lord Jesus. Torrey. Paper. TheW arfare W ith Satan and the W a y T o Victory. Mrs. Penn-Lewis. Paper. W in n in g One B y One. Hogben. Paper. Fullness of the Spirit. Inwood. Paper. Grace in Galatians. Bishop.

No. 27. The Ea rly Church. Orr. S ig n s of the Times. Haldeman. Gleanings. The Return of the Lord Jesus. Torrey. Paper. Regular Price, $1.75. No. 28. True Evangelism . Chafer. God’s Plan of Soul W inning. Hogben. The W o rk of Christ. Gaebelein. Regular Price, $1.50. No. 29. The Hidden Life. Saphir. Israel, M y Glory. W ilkinson. Regular Price, $1.50. No. 30. , rf The First Soprano. Hitchcock. God’s Masterpiece. Gaebelein. The Testimony of the Bible. W ishart. Gleanings. The Return of the Lord Jesus. Torrey. Paper. Regular Price, $2.00. No. 32. T ru th F o r You. Samm is. Paper. Facts and More Facts About Pastor R u s­ No. 40. Scarlet and Purple. Watson. In the Tw in k lin g of A n Eye. Watson. The M a rk of the Beast. Watson. T h is is a rem arkably good combination. The first tells the Gospel story of salva­ tion: the second treats of the Second Com ing of the Lord, and the last one tells of the terrible tribulation times. Regular Price, $2.25. No. 41. Se iss on Revelation. Three Volumes. Former Price, $3.00. No. 42. Know ing the Scriptures. Pierson. The W o rk of Christ. Gaebelein. H ighe r Criticism . Torrey. No. 43. The Testimony of the Bible. W ishart. Creation, Tim e and Eternity. Secrist. Personal W ork. Torrey. H ighe r Criticism . Torrey. | Regular Price, $1.50. No. 31.

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