King's Business - 1914-02

BEST BOOKS ON THE LORD'S SECOND COMING (CONTINUED) Eight Lectures on Prophecy. By W. Trotter. Paper, 35c; cloth...." .60 Splendid interpretation of the immi- nency of His coming. ‘ ‘ In the Twinkling o f an Eye.” By

Contents: The second coming of Christ premillennial, the return of the Jews, the. millennial reign of . Christ, the distinct calling and glory of the church, the predicted corruption of Christianity, etc. Forgotten Truths. By Sir Robert An­ derson, K. C. B. Cloth.............. Chapters of the Lord's coming and other themes. A definite and systematic statement of some of the questions involved in present-day discussions. From Advent to Advent. By C, E. Stuart. Cloth A commentary on the Gospel accord-" mg to Luke. The book contains 336 pages and covers the ground with considerable thoroughness. Glorious Appearing o f the Savior, The. By Rev. J. Gosset-Tanner, M. A. Cloth___ .1 ...... ....... ......... .50 This is an expository work, leading its readers to the “more sure Word of prophecy,“ and applying its mes­ sage with simplicity and force; but . the author, also passes in review recent and current events, and quotes freely from contemporary writers, showing how these all offer clear in- dications of the Coming Day. God’s Oath. By Dr. Ford C. Ottman. Cloth ...___ _________ ____________ 1,25 This is a study of an unfulfilled promise of God. It is a practical in­ terpretation of the prophets and a study of the spiritual life of the Old and New Testament. Harmony of the Prophetic Word, The. By A. C. Gaebelein. 12mo., cloth.... 1.00 The author’s purpose is to show the unity of Scripture, especially on the prophetic side. *A more exhaustive : treatise on this subject it would be difficult to find. He Cometh! By Rev. H. W. Webb- Peploe, M. A. Cloth........................ 1.00 The return of Christ treated in re­ lation to Himself, the church, the world, and to God. Hope of the Morning Star, The. By F. W. Grant. Paper.........i...... ......... .15 A review of objections to an imme- diate expectation of the coming of the Lord, and the taking away of the saints to meet Him before the com- ln gof ,the great tribulation. How Is Jesus Coming? And for Whom? By Rev. Robert Middle- ton. Clpth ..L.__.•.............. :__.............. 40 A simple and systematic study of the last days before the second coming of our Lord. “ I Am Coming.” By Rev. James H. Brookes, D.D. Cloth ..._____________ 65 A series of addresses showing our Lord’s teaching concerning His sec- “ ond advent, the teaching of the Apos­ tles, the course of this age, and dealing with the anti-christ, the rapture, and “the Blessed Hope.” Imminent Coming of Christ, The. By Rev. I. M. Haldeman____ I_____ ■_ .05 ....... 1.25

Sydney Watson. Cloth .......__.75 A fictitious tale founded upon future fact. A well-written, interesting plot leads naturally, and easily up to the time o f the Lord’s coming in the air for His. saints, and includes the real­ ization of that experience. Jesus Is Coming. By W . E. Black- stone. Paper, 25c; cloth................. . .50 No Christian can have the right out­ look on life, nor the right incentive to soul winning without coming under the influence of the teaching of this book. Lectures on Revelation. By William Lincoln. Cloth ............. „................... 1.00 Terse exposition of the Whole book of Revelation. Strongly commended, lectures on the Second Coming. By J. N. Darby. Cloth ................................ 50 This work takes up specifically the following chapters from Holy Writ; First Thessalonians I, Ephesians I, Revelation XII, Romans XI, Matthew XIII, Daniel II, and Daniel VII. Looking Forward. By Rev. Geo. C, and Mrs. Needham. Paper....................35 Will Jesus Come? After the Advent. The new earth. Long Odds. A fanciful and yet real description of the conditions immediately follow­ ing the translation of the church. Maranatha: or the Lord Cometh. By James H. Brookes. Cloth................ The title of this book is taken from the 22d verse of the 16th chapter of First Corinthians. The book is a very clear and scholarly treatment of the doctrine of pre-millennialism. A diagram showing the order of events is added. ‘ ‘Mark of the Beast, The.” By Syd­ ney Watson. Cloth j_____Bj................ Fiction. Many who will not read the” Word may be induced to read this,, and will be led by the interest of pages into mines of hitherto undiscovered truth. It is ? description of the times fol­ lowing the translation of the saints and makes this teaching a living, future reality. The Lord’s Return, and Kindred Truth. By L. W . Munhall, M ¿A. D.D. Cloth _______ j.nis is an aDie work showing the nature and imminence of His return and the value of the doctrine. It also treats of the resurrections, the judgments, the devil, and Israel’s earthly inheritance. A chapter “Ob­ jections Answered,” and an appen­ dix, should serve to settle many dis- puted points. Imperialism and Christ. By Ford C Ott man, D.D. Handsomely bound ; in red-grained cloth, l2mo., 317 pp. A scriptural, logical, and thorough discussion of the evolution, constitu­ tion and characted of the coming Kingdom of Christ. 1.25 1.00 1.25


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