King's Business - 1914-02

BOOKS FOR THESE LAST DAYS Millenial Dawnism. Dr. I. M. Hal­ deman. Paper ............................................ 10

This small booklet proves very com clusively that the Lord Jesus was not a social reformer. The Gorgas of the Apostacy. By Philip Mauro. Paper ............................... 08 Christianity and the Social Crisis. By Dr. I. M. Haldeman. Paper..............10 A keen analysis of a certain college professor’s new book in the light of the Old Book. The Christian and Polit'cs. By F. C. Jennings. Paper 10 A booklet that every voter should read. _ Can a Christian Be a Socialist? By W . Robertson. Paper .............................. .05 An eye-opener to any truly “ born again” person who has a leaning to­ wards socialism. Modern Socialism— Satanic or Divine? By W . Robertson. Paper................... .05 Christ or Socialism? By H. Musgrave Reade. Paper ............... - *20 A book of the deepest interest for a time like this. Theosophy or Christianity—Which? By Dr. I. M. Haldeman. Paper..............20 The Truth About Evolution. By Philip Mauro. Paper ----------------------------- The Other Side of Evolution. By Rev. Alex. Patterson. Cloth..................—. .60 This book shows that evolution is not accepted by all scientists, and that the theory in question lacks demon- stration. Breakers—Methodism Adrift. By Dr. L. W . Munhall. Cloth..............~..L-...* 1.00 The truths set forth by Dr. Munhall might apply to some other churches as well. The Lords of the Devil’s Paradise. By G. Sidney Paternoster. Cloth— 1.75 A thrilling story of the “Putomayo Atrocities”, in the rubber collecting regions of the Upper Amazon in South America. The Lure of the Soul. By Sidney Watson. Cloth .....— ---------------------- >75 The devilishness of spiritualism told in story form. Every person who has the least leaning towards a belief in spiritualism should read this very convincing book. The Philosophy of Spiritualism. By Arthur W . Pink — ----------------.........., .05 Spiritualism Forbidden of God. Paper .04 Spiritualism Exposed. By A. Sims Paper -------------------— -------— . 15 Gives Scripture evidence and facts of experience showing the evil nature and awful tendencies of spiritualism. Some Teachings of the Roman Cath­ olic Church Examined. Paper......;. .05 Familiar Conversations on Romanism. By J. N. Darby. Paper—.....~— — .05 Seventh Day Adventism Renounced. By D. M. Cantright. Cloth----- ........ 1.00 The one book which cannot be re­ futed by Seventh Day Adventists.

The blasphemous religion which teaches the annihilation of Jesus Christ, exposed in a most trenchant way. What Ts Russellism? W. Leon Tucker. PiapeiT ;.......10 À book that will turn again to the truth, any honest-minded believer who has been led into the errors of Millennial Dawnism. Annihilation. Harris. Price...................... 03 A refutation of Russell’s theory of total annihilation. Pastor Bussell’s Teaching on the Com­ ing of Christ. J. H. Burridge. Price .05 More Facts About Pastor Russell. Rev. J. J. Ross. Paper............ .10 The history of the libel case—Pastel* Russell before the courts. 9 Pastor Russell’s Method of Interpre­ tation. J. H. Burridge. Paper..............05 The Intermediate State. W . A. Hos e. Paper 1


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