King's Business - 1937-09



September, 1937

T h is great faith work at Taian, Shantung, China, has been directed for more than two decades by the founders, Rev. and Mrs. Anglin, who have labored in China for 27 years. Their sole reliance has been in the promises of the Saviour and the mercy o f the Father. Thousands of earnest Christians have had the blessed privilege of upholding these missionaries in prayer and sharing their means in this ministry. You and your friends are invited to join in this good work o f rescuing the perishing. May the Holy Spirit move you before the Lord returns and it is too late to rescue others who are yet in darkness. T h o u s a n d s S av e d

Only eternity will reveal how many thousands have been saved through the ministry o f these messengers of the cross and their co-laborers. How many thousands more will be saved in the future depends on you, and other children o f God to whom the lost and afflicted of China lift appealing hands. So that you may know about this work write for free booklet “ Helping China’s Helpless.” Read of Mr. and Mrs. Anglin’s call to China and of the marvelous way in which God led them to open the Home, the largest institution of its kind in the Orient.

" I was sick and y© min­ istered unto me.” Con­ valescent tubercular pa­ tient.

Brother and Sister Anglin

MINISTERING TO THE SICK— FEEDING THE HUNGRY CLOTHING THE NAKED— PREACHING THE GOSPEL • THE HOME OF ONESIPHORUS is in the bandit infested, famine area where millions are often destitute and desperate, driven to eating clay soup that results in agonizing death. In the best of times poverty stalks through Shantung province. Children are sold to buy bread. Help us save all we can for Christ. CHRIST THE IR ONLY HOPE "A most worthy work. I want to help you,” writes one loving friend. You too can help, however humble. Send 10c for the beautiful story of the first orphan boy taken in by the Anglins entitled, "Repairing the Breach.” Read and help distribute "The Har­ vester,” magazine of the Home. Subscription 50c per year. Sell fancywork and handi­ craft made by the children of the Home to help support themselves while being trained for Christian work. Write today. Coupon below is for your convenience. Paste it on a postcard or enclose it with your gift. HOME of ONESIPHORUS AMERICAN OFFICE— 2811 N. Racine Ave.

The poor have the gos pel preached unto them.

Drawer 11,, CHICAGO, ILL.

was hungry and ye me.”

HOME OF ONESIPHORUS AMERICAN OFFICE 2811 N . R acine A ye.» D raw er 11, Chicago, 111. I give gladly as God has blessed me to help China’s helpless. pledge $....___...__to be paid (date)....'.....;.;^„.......„..-...........l Please send me:

Enclosed find $...

□ “ Helping China’s Helpless.” Free book­ let describing the work of the Home.

□ Free illustrated price list of fancy wort: and handi­ craft made at the Home by the children.

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