King's Business - 1937-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1937

both thicknesses. Cut a piece of cardboard a little narrower and longer than the sleeve, and insert in the sleeve. Cut the cross and heart out of the cardboard to match the sleeve. Above the cross on the cardboard, color the area red. Between the cross and the heart, on the cardboard, color yellow and paste a silver star.) Lesson: (Begin the lesson with the card­ board inserted in the sleeve in such a man­ ner that both the cross and heart are empty. Hold the sleeve in the left hand, covering the cross with the fingers.) What is the matter with this heart? “ It is an empty heart.” You are right. It reminds me of Nico- demus, the man who came to Christ by night because his heart was empty. If wealth, position, and education could have satisfied and filled the heart, Nicodemus would have been satisfied. The heart is empty because, as you now see, the cross above it is empty. This ex­ plains why Nicodemus’ heart was empty. He knew about the cross as a form of punishment, but he did not know about Christ’s having to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Christ told this empty-hearted man about

had received, and during a pause in his speech, a childish voice coming from the gallery said, “Why, it*s Daddy!” It was one of the small Chelmsfords, who until then had never seen her father in Windsor uniform. Relationship was more dear to the child’s heart than regimentals. Is it not so in eternal matters? Beyond all the pomp of earth is the privilege, through be­ coming “children of God” (John 1:12, R.V.), of crying, “Abba, Father” (Rom. 8:15), for “ like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him” (Psa. 103:13 ).—lflOO Tales Worth Telling, by H. Pickering. Memory Verse: “This is my command­ ment, That ye love one another” (John 15:12). Approach: We have been talking about the laws which God gave to His people to keep. These laws or commandments told the people things that they were to do and What John Learned from Jesus 1 J ohn 3

His being lifted up, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. This gave a new meaning to the cross for Nicodemus. It was no longer an empty cross, but one filled with Christ, the Saviour. Watch this empty cross. (Hold the fin­ gers of the right hand over the heart and pull down on the cardboard.) The red is coming down from above. This reminds us of the Son of God who came from above and shed His blood upon the cross. Now that the cross is no longer empty, we will look at the heart. It, too, has been filled. It has a bright star in it, reminding us of Christ, the bright and morning Star. If your heart is empty, look to the cross of Calvary; accept Christ as Saviour, and your heart will be filled.

things that they were hot to do. You re­ member that in the 0 1d Testament a special ten of these commandments to ld h o w th e p e o p l e should act toward God and how they should act t owa r d each other. When the Lord Jesus came into the world, He

YES.WE'RE GOING FORWARD CLfajcJ^Cft/iiU jo ì.Ch/u/iL

P ASTORS, Superintendents, Teachers — discover the benefits and blessings of the All Bible Graded Series of Sunday School Lessons. Prove the soul winning power of its new material. Investigate its proven advantages. Mail coupon below.

told the people that these commandments were still to be obeyed. He said: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matt. 22:37-39). This was just what God had said to Moses in the Ten Commandments: first love God, and then love your neighbor. Why is it that we must love like this? Lesson Story: Why is it that we love our fathers and mothers? We love them for what they have done for us. We love them because they are our parents. If we come to God in the way that He says will make us His children (that is, believing in Jesus Christ His Son), we are God’s chil­ dren and we will love Him for what He has done for us. And if we love God, we can’t help but love one another. Children in a family often look like their parents and like each other. If we belong to God’s family, we may be like God and like Jesus Christ, His Son. It is not our bodies that will be like Him now, for God is a spirit, but we can love Him with our whole heart and show this love by our love for one another. Object: Make a sleeve of stiff grey paper twelve inches long and three inches wide. (Press it flat. Two and one-half inches from the top, cut out a cross, two and one-half inches long, through both thicknesses of the sleeve. Two and one-half inches from the bottom of the cross, cut a heart two inches long, through Object Lesson F illing an E mpty H eart

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