King's Business - 1937-09


CAMPAIGN Dr. Rood Announces Program

, October 1 9 Chosen as Opening Date (2 ) To the strengthening o f the an­ nuity reserve fund and the keeping up o f payments to our aged annuitants. (3 ) T o the reduction o f the Insti­ tute’s m ortgage indebtedness. (4 ) To such extension work as may be planned.


Large Circle o f Friends Needed

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

It is believed that stewards to whom the Lord has intrusted large sums o f money w ill be encouraged in their g iv­ ing by the evidence that a large cird a o f praying, giving friends o f the school are sharing in the sense o f responsi­ bility fo r this great work. Surely the evangelistic m inistry o f the school will be enhanced, and the Lord will be glorified, by an aggressive, prayerful effort to present to the world the testi­ mony that Biola has met her indebted­ ness in full. The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles has existed as an organized Christian work fo r more than twenty-nine years. During this period it has given train­ ing to more than 15,000 people. Sev­ eral hundreds o f these have become missionaries, pastors, evangelists, or other full-tim e Christian workers, while nearly all, we believe, have exerted a spiritual influence in the life o f their respective communities. In addition to its American labors, the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles car­ ries on an extensive mission w ork in China through the Hunan Bible Insti­ tute, located in the populous Chinese city o f Changsha, in Hunan Province, from which a number o f evangelistic bands radiate, doing house-to-house visitation in the more remote sections o f this teem ing Chinese area. Including Biola’s Chinese work, its correspondence school, and its day and evening schools, it is estimated that more than 1,000 present students and their instructors are among those who are most vitally affected by the Insti­ tute’s program o f extension. W ork o f Biola

L OOKING to the Lord, the Board o f Trustees o f the Bible Insti- tute o f Los Angeles, after months o f prayer, thought, and planning, have fe lt led to act in faith and to inaugurate a thirty-months’ campaign (2% years) along construc­ tive lines for the restoration o f Biola’s financial structure and the extension o f its ministry. Taking its title in part from God’s command to the chil­ dren o f Israel (Ex. 14:15), the BIOLA “ GO FORWARD ” C A M P A I G N is undertaken in implicit trust in Him who delights to accomplish tasks hu­ manly impossible fo r His own glory. For many years the Institute has been hampered in its work o f training w it­ nesses fo r home and foreign fields be­ cause o f lack o f funds and heavy debts. Only a concerted, prayerful effort, in full dependence upon God, will avail to lift this burden. The BIOLA “ GO FORWARD ” CAMPAIGN looks to­ ward JUNE 1, 1940, as the day on which it may please the Lord to grant the consummation so devoutly wished — an Institute free o f financial encum­ brances. Day o f Fasting and Prayer Friday, October 1, has been appoint­ ed as a day o f fasting and prayer, to be observed at the Institute, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. W e are par­ ticularly eager that every friend o f Biola in this region shall come to this gathering. W e are praying that God may pour forth His Spirit upon this assembly, and that men and women shall go from the meeting dedicated to the cause o f Christ in this place, that the Bible Institute, both as an educational and as a missionary en­

Paul W. Rood President

terprise, may become a more and more effective agency for reaching the un­ saved o f the world. Mass Meeting on October 10 On Sunday, October 10, a mass meet­ ing is scheduled to be held in the main auditorium fo r the presentation o f the thirty-months’ program to be followed. This campaign will, we hope, be comprehensive, and the plan is that it shall reach every friend o f Biola in the United States. The campaign w ill be carried on (1) by letters from the Institute, (2) by reports, stories, and announce­ ments in the Institute’s official organ, T he K ing ’ s B usiness , (3) by the e f­ forts o f the Institute's field force and extension department, and (4) by the formation o f volunteer committees authorized b y the Bible Institute wherever workers are found who will undertake the personal canvass o f the Christian people in their vicinity. How Proceeds W ill Be Used The proceeds o f the campaign will be devoted to fou r specific purposes in the follow ing order: (1 ) To the maintenance and opera­ tion o f the Institute.

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