King's Business - 1937-09

September, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Good Shepherd. Hie did lay down His life for tfce sheep. The shepherd is not only willing to give his life for ,the sheep, but he takes good care of them at all times. The sheep have trouble only when they run away from the shepherd’s care. The shepherd leads them to the green pastures and beside the still waters. He saves them from the dan­ gerous holes and the slippery mud. He protects them from the thieves and the wild animals. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, protects us from the dangers which would come to us, and He provides us with all of the good things which we need. He gives us not only homes and food and clothes for our bodies, but He feeds our souls on the Living Bread, which is Himself. And the Good Shepherd will do one more thing for us, too. He will come to receive us unto Himself, that where He is we may be also. All of these things will the Good Shep­ herd, the Lord Jesus, do for His sheep. And who are His sheep? His sheep are those who call upon His name, those who believe Him to be the Good Shepherd, God’s Son, who came to die for them.

THE DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING COMPANY (>-LLiiAA jL/nAAASi&sHj&c CL/jG j u v l A JL & A A r a s tj " ifr & O J lA . A Quartette of Sunday-school Materials For Young People 1 YOUNG PE O PLE 'S JOURNAL* Tim ely feature articles and fu ll treatm ent o f International U ni­ form Lessons in a m anner that challenges young people. Club rate: 8 cts. per subscription per quarter. 2 YOUNG PE O PLE 'S TEACHER Includes all m aterial in the JOURNAL, plus m uch inform a* tion and help on teaching m ethods. Club rate: 10 cts. per subscription per quarter. YOUNG PE O P LE 'S POCKET LES­ SON Q U A R TE R L Y M aterial harm onizes w ith JOUR­ N A L lessons. H andy size for class reference, fo r daily use by busy people, arid fo r supple­ m entary "help. P rice: 4 cts. per quarter. TA K E O U T INSURANCE FOR YOUR SCHOOL TODAY ! David C. Cook Publishing Company Elgin, Illinois 3 YOUNG PE O PLE 'S W E E K L Y The 16-page w eekly story paper that thousands o f young people say is “ tops.” Thoroughly Christian in character and con­ tent. Club rate: 17 cts. per subscription per quarter. 4

CHRISTMAS MONEY UP TO 100% PROFIT selling Christmas Cards. Full or spare time. No experience needed. Big values make easy sales. 25 Folder Box Assortments only $1. As few as 12 cards name imprinted. Wonderful selections. Also Everyday. Shut-In. birthday and Gift Wrapping Assort­ ments. Extra cash bonuses. Salable Assortments sent on approval to those who act quick. Send name and get yours at once. M l DGET CARD SHOP. Dept. 724JHarrisburg, Pa.f We have a Bible Catalogue, a Book Catalogue and a Sunday School Liter­ ature Catalogue. We are also pub­ lishing the GOSPEL HERALD Subscription Edition. The UN IO N GOSPEL PRESS will be . pleased to send an entire GENERAL CATA LOGU E to eny seeker for Bibles, books, sound Gospel Sunday School literature, and also a sample copy of the G O S P E L H E R A L D en unsectarian Weekly, on application. Address UN ION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059 Cleveland, Ohio

is the outward symbol. It is accomplished by the blood of Christ which cleanses from the guilt of sin (Rev. 1:5), and by the Word of God which cleanses from the habit of sin (John 15:3). 4. “ The hope of eternal life" (v .7 ). This does not mean, as some have taught, that the Christian does not have eternal life here and now, but only hopes to have it hereafter. The “hope” is not for eternal life, but rather the “ hope” which springs out of eternal life, a hope which is the- possession of every soul at the instant he receives the gift of eternal life. The sub­ stance of this hope is stated earlier in the text: to “ be made heirs." And the present possession of eternal life is God’s guarantee that this hope cannot fail. A lady walked home with me from church one Sunday evening, and I said to her, “ You know you have a sufficient Sav­ iour. Do you know what He says in 2 Corinthians 12:9? He says: ‘My grace is sufficient for thee.’ What about that?” She replied, “Well, it is in the Bible.” “Yes, but is it in your heart?” “ I cannot, I cannot—” “ Then stand still, and lift up your head, and say to God, ‘You lie.’ ” Grace has appeared bringing full and complete salvation.— Keswick Week. The Good Shepherd J ohn 10:7-16 Memory Verse: “ The Lord is my shep­ herd; I shall not want” (Psa. 23:1). Approach: David said in one of his Psalms: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The Lord Jesus Himself said when He was on earth that He was a Shepherd to His sheep. Let us think what Golden Text Illustration T itus 2:11

Object Lesson T h e R a in b o w L adder

Objects: A pair of scissbrs and six pieces of paper, six by nine inches in size, col­ ored red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. (Paste these' sheets of paper to­ gether lengthwise in the order mentioned beginning with the red and ending with (he purple. Begin with the loose end of the purple and make five or six very small folds. Press this roll flat so.that it will not unwind. Begin with this flat roll, and then make a larger round roll, about the size of the middle finger, of the remainder of the purple and the other colored sheets.) Lesson: Did you ever hear of a Rain­ bow Ladder? We have one here this, morn­ ing. In order to see it, you will have to wait until I make it. This round roll -of red paper does not look like a ladder—much less like a rain­ bow. You wait until I do sotne cutting on it, and you will see a rainbow ladder. (Arrange the round roll so the flat roll will be at the bottom. Cut down from the top of the round roll to, but not through the flat roll. This should be done twice, two inches from each end, leaving a space of two inches in the middle. Bend the two outside sections at right angles to the mid­ dle section. Cut across the middle section about a quarter of an inch from the flat roll on both sides of the flat roll. Hold the two outside sections at right angles to the middle section, and pull up on the flat purple roll. This will make the ladder.) Here is the rainbow ladder. The first color is red, which reminds us of the blood

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it means for us to have Jesus as a Shep­ herd. Lesson Story: First of all, the shepherd will lay down his life for the sheep. The sheep were more pre­ cious to the shepherd than his own life. Now we know why Jesus is called the

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