King's Business - 1937-09

September, 1937

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Helps for the Leader I. W it n e ssin g b y J o y f u l n e ss


C. G. Moore tells the following story of a clergyman. A young girl who had not yet decided for Christ was to spend the day with him. He prayed to be shown how to order the day. The guidance came not to speak to her of sacred things but to give her the merriest, happiest day possible. And so he did, for he was a past master in mak­ ing sunshine. Soon after came a note from this girl announcing her decision for Christ, brought about by that day of pure pleas­ ure. If Christ made him so happy and gracious, then she wanted to know Him, too .— The Toronto Globe. II. S p e a k in g a t H is D ire ctio n “Let my life speak of Jesus, but leCnot my lips be silent,” is a motto that reminds us of the twofold responsibility of the Christian. Our silences and our spoken witness io r Christ must be equally under the control of the Holy Spirit, who alone knows how to reach the hearts of those about us.— S e le cte d . OCTOBER 17, 1937 ARE WE CONTROLLED BY PROPAGANDISTS? M a t t h e w 7:15; 24:24; 2 P ete r 2:1, 2 Meditation on the Lesson By definition, the purpose of propaganda is to present “ a person, a cause, an article, or a course of action in such a way that the desired responses are forthcoming.” The propagandist seeks to “intensify the atti­ tudes of those who are favorable to his pur­ pose, and reverse the attitudes of those who are hostile, and attract the indifferent.” From this description of the means whereby certain beliefs and opinions are propagated, it is evident that such a course of activity is not necessarily undesirable. The promo­ tion of any worthy cause, as-well as the less honorable, is dependent upon the dissemina­ tion of information concerning it, and the favorable acceptance of those facts. Be­ lievers in the Lord Jesus Christ need to be alert in utilizing their opportunities for propagating gospel truth. The Word of God has much to say about the subtle persuasive powers employed by the enemies of the cross of Christ in gain­ ing their ends, their chief objective being the destruction of the body of Christ upon earth. We read that false prophets shall arise “in sheep’s clothing,” but that in real­ ity they are “ ravening wolves” (Matt. 7:15). So crafty is their dissimulation that if it were possible they would deceive the “ very elect” (Matt. 24:24). We know from daily experience that there are multitudinous organizations and societies for the purpose of fostering vari­ ous philosophies of social, political, and re­ ligious reform. How can we know which to accept and which to reject? There is just one rule given for safe judgment—that found in the Bible, the Christian’s stand­ ard for faith and practice. If, when meas­ ured by God’s yardstick, the cause in ques>- tion does not measure up to His require­ ments, the results of accepting it will be ex­ ceedingly dangerous. (

Conducted by an institution founded on an ideal. moderate with concessions to permanents and allowances for weekly rates. FOLDER O N REQUEST PATIO— COFFEE SHOP— NEAR WESTLAKE PARK (N o liquor served) C onvenient to E verything in W ilshire D istrict Special A ttention to Requests fo r Inform ation Addressed to Paul E . Stanton, M anager

brother, Peter, and exclaimed: “We have found the Messias!” His joy was con­ tagious, and he prevailed upon his brother to come and see for himself. Andrew was a good example of a home missionary and and soul-winner. Another character prominent in the early formation of the church was Philip. He, too, was permeated with the new life which Christ imparts to those who accept Him as Lord and Master of their lives. His re­ action was normal and natural to the Chris­ tian life: he went out to bring others to the Lord Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit moved him to a different sphere of service than that of Andrew, for Philip left his home and ministered to those of another na­ tion. The Ethiopian eunuch was one of his trophies for Christ. Through Philip’s faith­ ful witness the great north African church was started. Through Scriptural precept and example we learn that God’s will for His disciples today is the spreading of the gospel of His salvation through Christ. Christ’s work was often accomplished through His con­ tact with individuals, such as Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Bartimeus, and many others. He was vitally concerned about the soul of each individual whom He touched, although His plan of salvation was vast enough to offer provision for every one in the world. The commission given to Mary Magdalene on the morning of His resurrection is for us today—“ Go . . . and tell” (Matt. 28:7). Our Saviour’s last words before He left this earth for His place of exaltation were, “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). Are we telling those whom we see daily the blessed story of salvation through the Lamb of God? Do we long to be used at home, and, perhaps, on the mission field abroad, as soul-win­ ners? “ He that winneth souls is wise.”

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