King's Business - 1937-09

M illion and O ne -H a lf D ollar G oa l Set fo r T w o and O ne -H a lf Y ea r Campaign to Culm inate, the L ord W illing , in G reat Day o f Release, June 1, 1940

co-ordinate the efforts o f the various departments o f the Institute and to organize the benefactions o f its friends in such a way that the economical operation o f the Institute may be as­ sured fo r the future. It is my desire that each friend o f the Institute shall write me personally, offering any suggestions that may oc­ cur to him or her fo r the more e f­ fective prosecution o f this program . W e have a deep conviction that the testimony o f this school is greatly needed in these dark days, and we are convinced that it w ill be greatly to the Lord’s glory when Biola can say to all the world that God in His mercy and faithfulness has led His people to meet His requirements fo r blessing and that every financial obligation has been met. The members o f the Institute’s prayer circle and all other friends are urged to make special supplication that God may mercifully see fit to bless the plan which we feel He has led us to inaugurate. May the whole prayer cir­ cle join with us in asking that this en­ terprise may redound to H is glory. Faithfully yours,

Freewill Giving— The Institute’ s Only Resource No adequate endowment fund, no denominational subsidies, support this work which depends from day to day upon the freew ill giving o f God’s peo­ ple everywhere. A recent survey o f the denomina­ tional colleges o f the United States granting degrees shows that the Insti­ tute is offering Christian training at a very much lower expense to the student than does the average denominational school o f collegiate grade. Tuition is absolutely free, the only charge being the hospitalization registration fe e of $10.00 per term. An employment service at Biola is always available to students, who usu­ ally find part-time employment to pay fo r the low cost o f room and board. There are, however, certain inescap­ able expenses to the Institute, includ­ ing the charges fo r the training o f stu­ dents and fo r the general opération o f the w ork in Los Angeles, its department in China, and associated evangelistic enterprises. Thus, dependent upon the aid o f the L ord’s stewards in carrying this heavy burden, Biola is asking Him to g lorify His own name in the supply o f every need. How Contributions May Be Made Contributions fo r this work may be made by (1 ) Direct G ift (2 ) A 2/2 Year Pledge Payable Monthly (3 ) Bequests or Wills (4 ) Purchase o f Annuities Direct Giving D irect giving is divided into occa­ sional donations, 2% year pledges, indi­

vidual pledges, pledges under the Biola Honor Roll plan (regular monthly con­ tributions o f any stated amount), and Contract Giving, under which last head may be included the transfer o f property to the Institute, real or personal, during the lifetime o f the donor, in the form of an executed g ift, which passes to the Institute upon the giver’s death. Under this last plan, many have relieved themselves o f the care o f properties while retaining the income during their lifetime. Bequests Under Wills Under the direction o f Elmer J. Peterson as Business Manager, the In­ stitute maintains a staff o f trained field representatives who are experts in giving advice in estate matters. The Institute’s attorney, Claude A . Watson, will, upon request, prepare w ills or trusts under w ills that adequately will meet the need o f the individual donor. Insured Annuities The Institute is now offering what experience has proved to be the safest form o f money investment on earth in the form o f insured annuities, undér the terms o f which a liberal rate o f inter­ est is paid during the lifetime o f the annuitant. A ll o f the Institute’s annu­ ities issued under this provision will be insured by the strongest and safest of -the American life insurance companies, a feature not offered by many institu­ tions in the United States. Co-ordination o f Efforts The purpose o f the financial cam­ paign that is about to open will be to


Biola "G o Forward" Campaign Paul W. Rood, President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.,

558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California. Dear Dr. Rood:

I hereby subscribe to the BIOLA " S O FO RW ARD " C A M P A IG N and agree to give □ monthly . □ quarterly * ...................................□ semiannually □ annually for two and one-half years (to be fully paid by June I, 1940), until the total of $ ............. has been paid. I am enclosing $ ............. to apply on this gift and pledge. (Can be paid as addition to existing Honor Roll Pledge if desired.) Name.................................................. Address.................................. ............ ENROLL ME IN THE DIVISION CHECKED Honor Roll □ Friend of Institute □ Present student □ Correspondence student □ Former student □ China donor □

Administration build­ ing at the Hunan Bible Institute, China department of t h e Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

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