Bringing you The Next Generation of Damage Prevention™
Utility members look to Texas811 for out-of-the-box solutions to their most pressing concerns, like better ways to prevent damages to their underground facilities and approaches to minimize the ever-increasing costs of locating their underground facilities. Customized Solutions utilizes advanced technology to provide services that are customized to the needs of each Texas811 member. The innovative programs offered by Texas811 Customized Solutions are bringing you The Next Generation of Damage Prevention™. Since going operational in 2015, Customized Solutions has collectively saved 25 Member companies more than $12 million in unnecessary locating fees. For additional information click HERE or contact . All Customized Solutions are available on a subscription basis and tailored to a member’s specific circumstances. Whether you’re looking to reduce damages or reduce locating expenses, or both, contact to learn what Texas811 Customized Solutions can do for you.
Click the image below for a list of frequently asked utility member questions.
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