Texas811 Member Packet 2022


You can view examples of a typical 811 call in the two videos below.

Contact • The excavator/home owner requests a line locate through the Texas811 Portal or by dialing 811 to speak to a Damage Prevention Agent (also known as a Customer Service Representative). • The excavator describes the location and scope of their work area using an address or directions from an intersection. Texas811 also asks the excavator whether or not the designated work area is marked out in white flags or white paint, symbolizing proposed excavation. Texas811 will also ask for detailed items such as the excavation depth, and what type of equipment will be used. Excerpt from Texas Utilities Code Chapter 251: Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety: Except as provided by Sections 251.155 and 251.156, a person who intends to excavate shall notify a one-call notification center not earlier than the 14th day before the date the excavation is to begin or later than the 48th hour before the time the excavation is to begin, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.


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