Leadership For Leads with John Graci

Increase Productivity And Develop 8 Core Leadership Skills DIGITAL COURSE

For more than 25 years, leadership speaker, author, and trainer John Graci has helped 300,000+ leaders and 2,000+ businesses achieve meaningful results.

The digital course combines Graci’s down-to-earth delivery that engages audiences and will impact productivity and focus on developing 8 core leadership skills.

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Explore the dueling expectations of employees and management

Build the interpersonal skills needed to reduce conflicts and improve decision-making

Learn a group communication technique to effectively listen to all team members

Teach on-the-job training techniques to get consistently good results

Provide feedback and coach for better results

Explore the value of a leader who effectively empowers team members

Learn why employee recognition is important and how to do it right

Learn down-to-earth tactics to derail problem behavior

Gain practical advice how to improve relationships and achieve results

AFFORDABLE This digital course is a great alternative to classroom training and the more attendees you register, the more you'll save lowering your cost per attendee!


Learn at your leisure at a time that is convenient for you. For organizations, you don't have to lose an entire team or department at once for traditional training with an instructor.

Each attendee receives a workbook with reminders, call- outs, and to-do lists that make it easy to apply skills to real workplace challenges and hold attendees accountable. ACTION PLANS


This digital course provides useful skills that can be applied across all generations. Absolutely no theory!

Supervisors quickly learn to be effective leader.

John has a way of making the complex simple and the simple compelling. He is the most effective speaker I have heard on helping leaders understand in no uncertain terms, how their actions impact an employee’s performance or behavior.

James R. Thul

FOR INDIVIDUALS & ORGANIZATIONS Learn at your leisure at a time convenient for you!

FOR INDIVIDUALS | $299 Each individual receives access for 365 days to 9 video sessions, plus a 25 page workbook and guidance on implementing what you learn after each session.

10 ATTENDEES | $2,400 Provides organizations with up to 10 attendees with 365-day access to 9 video sessions, plus a 25+ page workbook, guidance on implementing what is learned after each session, and attendee's leader guidance

25 ATTENDEES | $5,625 Provides organizations with up to 25 attendees with 365-day access to 9 video sessions, plus a 25+ page workbook, guidance on implementing what is learned after each session, and attendee's leader guidance

50 ATTENDEES | $10,500 Provides organizations with up to 50 attendees with 365-day access to 9 video sessions, plus a 25+ page workbook, guidance on implementing what is learned after each session, and attendee's leader guidance

Leadership for Leads is also available in Spanish. Please contact john@gracileadershipsolutions.com for more info.



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