Board of Trustees meeting Agenda | October 2019

Whereas , Mr. Thompson’s comprehensive knowledge of the university, especially its mission and goals, enabled him to lead board analysis and discussion of emerging issues and initiatives; and Whereas , during the state’s extended economic downturn, which led to a drastic decrease in state support for higher education, Mr. Thompson’s thorough, thoughtful, and timely consideration of the issues before the board supported discussions and demonstrated an unwavering commitment to preserving and building upon the strengths of the university, and Whereas , Mr. Thompson consistently exhibited his dedication to the students and employees of CWU through his committee service, attendance at university events—including 11 of 12 commencement weekends throughout his 12 years as a trustee—and leadership on critical issues facing the university; and Whereas , Mr. Thompson, like a human incarnation of his favorite auto repair tool, “The Backyard Buddy,” lifted up the board with sound and ethical leadership, put his financial experience to work for the university, providing stable and strong support for the university through times of unprecedented pressure; Now, therefore, be it resolved , that the CWU Board of Trustees honors Mr. Keith Thompson for his passionate, proficient, and prolific service to the board and to the university.

Adopted and signed this 26 th day of July 2019.

Motion 19-38: Mr. Erickson moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves Resolution 19-08 honoring Keith Thompson. Mr. Nellams seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is October 16-18, 2019 in Ellensburg.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Linda Schactler, Secretary to the

Ron Erickson, Chair CWU Board of Trustees

CWU Board of Trustees

8 Board of Trustees Minutes July 25-26, 2019

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