King's Business - 1915-10

By Dr. W. B. Hinson Pastor of White Temple Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon

Note.—The following sermon by Dr. H inson on “ The R eturn, the Resurrection and the R apture,” w as preached in th e g reat auditorium of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, in the presence of a large congregation, on Sunday, August -8, 1915» Every hearer seemed charm ed by his inspired eloquence. H is tex t w as 1 m e s s. 4.13- 17.—Editor.

utmost expectation centered in Him. And He is coming in the same way, in the clouds; the same Jesus, in the same manner shall return. And then Paul, in the-lesson that I read to you, says :■ “Do not be disheartened when your loved ones leave your side and disappear in that excessive light, which to our poor vision is as darkness: because He is. coming again,” “For the Lord Himself”— ah, He is going to send no angel for His children! The father loves his child too much to let the servant meet it at the de­ pot. So .the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout. He is coming. You see these, letters to the Thessalonians talk about two comings of Jesus, His com­ ing to the saints, to receive them unto Him­ self in the air; and then His coming with His saints to execute His righteous judg­ ment upon all the ungodly. And the first of these two comings is the one we are considering now, which will be the first of a series of marvelous events, world-convuls­ ing, kingdom destroying, mighty manifesta­ tions of the love and power of Jehovah Jesus. And all these events will culminate in the second appearing of the Lord, bring­ ing with Him all His glorified people. And then shall come to pass the massive state-

preaching to you from thé Scripture just read, I shall jj) ask you to notice three com- ^ ings : the coming of the Lord from Heaven ; the coming

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out of the graves of the bodies of the glori­ fied saints; and the coming together of all believers with their Lord in the air. First, then, the coming of Jesus Christ. Before He went away, He one day with a tender look in His- eyes said to the men who loved Him, “If I go away, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, thqt where I am there ye may be also.” And the Very last word He ever spoke to His people was the statement, “Behold, I corné quickly.” And He is not a man that He should lie, nor the Son of Man that He should repent. “He is faithful, who has promised, And when He was majestically ascending into heaven, there stood by the bereaved disciples an angel, who said, “This same Jesus shall so come in like manner.” O are you not. glad that it is the identical Jesus who is. coming back? For we need never be afraid of Him. And we can have And He’ll surely come.again; He will keep His tryst with me, At what hour I dinna ken.”

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