King's Business - 1915-10



ment of 1 Corinthians IS: ‘‘When he hath put down all rule and all authority and all power, then shall he deliver up the kingdom unto God the Father that God may be all in all.” That is the end of all ,-the. ends. Now what those .wonderful .events ar%' transpiring -between thè coming-^¿Sr the. saints and'the coming with the saints, you have only to read the New Testament to find out. Synagogues of Judasim shall be transformed into temples for the Messiah Jesus. And the Gentiles shall flock to the standard of the Redeemer as they have never flocked before. And out among the hosts of the evil.there shall be the fulfill­ ment of the prophesy which said, “He shall overturn, and overturn, and overturn, until he, whose right it is to rule,” shall estab­ lish His throne and His kingdom. He is coming. WHEN HE COMES . And when He comes—and not before- bringing with Him the glorified who have found their home in His heart; the graves shall open, and the bodies of all the saints shall'come out and go up to be reunited with the glorified spirits, r-and to join thè Lord. Now do not you get led astray by Pastor Russell. But anchor your faith to King Jesus. God will never resurrect a dead saint,'because there never was a dead saint yet. He is not going to bring spirits up out Of the grave. Listen.’ They who sleep in Jesus shall God bring with Him. God is not in the grave. “Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise,” said Jesus. “They who sleep in Jesus shall God bring with Him.” Yes, go to the cemetery, if you will ! Put the flowers there, if you will. Shed the tear in which there is no sin. But do not make the fatal mistake of thinking' your lnved one is underneath that sod. For they also who sleep in Jesus shall God bring with Him. And when He brings them, there will be the shout of Christ, and the bodies of the saints in the ground shall lis­ ten; and the corruptible shall put on the incorruption ; and the glorified body and the glorified spirit shall enter again upon a

marriage relationship about which there can never be any divorce; and they shall rise up to meet the Lord in the air. Now that is the first resurrection. And so remember how the lagt book of the Bible says j “Bless­ ed'fey he'who jhath part in~the first resur­ rection^ 1:ecause on him the second death has no power, for they shall live and reign with Christ a thousand years. Then after­ ward there shall come the resurrection of the . godless.” But we are not thinking about that now. When those little Sadducees, with their funny little conundrum, went to Jesus and sard, “Here is a woman who had seven husbands. Whose wife will she be in heaven?” He said, “Unto those to whom it is given to come out from the dead in the resurrection, there is no marriage or giv­ ing in marriage.” Coming out from among the dead! Then they do not all come out at that time! The apostles understood that, for I read in the Acts of the Apostle's: “The Sadducees were grieved because the Apos­ tles were preaching the resurrection from the dead.” From the dead! That is why the Apostle Paul, in Phillipians, prays that he may have part in the sufferings of Jesus, and be accounted worthy of the resurrection from among the dead. What does he want to be accounted worthy of the general res urrection for ? Will not everyone rise ? Yes; but he wants to have part in the first resurrection, and so be proven blessed and holy. O what a day, when the corruptible shall come forth draped in the incorruptibility, and the spirit reunited to the glorified body shall say as in contempt, “Grave, where is your victory ?” And when we, who were mortal, have not gone into corruption, but are alive and remain, shall suddenly by that same gracious power, put on immortality, So that we too shall smile at death, and say, “Death, where is thy sting?” What a day, when the emancipated spirit shall as- sume the spiritual body; for there is a na7 tural body, and there is a spiritual body, as was declared by Paul; and when we, who

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