King's Business - 1915-10



“Modern” Theology would reduce all to the “no miracle” class, There, is but one supernatural religion and salvation is possible by no other, for “Sal­ vation is (necessarily) of the Lord.” There is required: I. A S upernatural R evelation . There could be no other revelation. Hu­ man speculation js unreliable, . powerless, worthless. The Bible is supernatural (Rom. 1:17, 18). Its claims are sustained by its holiness; transcendant doctrines; fulfilled predictions; and the actual, experimental fact that it does save. II. A S upernatural I ncarnation . Once suggested—the mind perceives that. the essence of salvation is the Divine im­ age restored and perfected by human exal­ tation above all creatures, secured by .the mystical union with Divinity of Man through the God-mari. God in the image of man that man might become the image of God. This is secured by the supernatural generation realized in the Virgin-birth. III. A S upernatural P ropitiation . Manifestly men could not atone. The na­ tural life was forfeit. A supernatural life alone could ransom; supernaturally begot­ ten; supernaturally perfect; supernaturally able, to offer up Itself, to reassume Itself (John 10:18). IV. A S upernatural R esuscitation . The resurrection. No recovery from a swoon; no mere emanation in disembodi­ ment of the spirit; but a veritable conquest of Death by the re-animation of lifeless corpse, the ground, assurance and power of a life resurrection of every member of the Mystical Body, the Church. V. A S upernatural M inistration . The Ascension. The Mediator, the Man Christ Jesus, passed through the heavens, “there to appear in the presence of God for us.” The Priestly rod, dead, now budded, blossomed, fruited; our “High Priest for­ ever.” VI. A S upernatural A dministration . “The Holy Ghost sent down from heaven." An Administer of salvation on earth; forming the Body; uniting the mem-

“And if thou art not mine, the earth does not please me." The three renderings suggest three ap­ plications : I. A part from the L ord W e H ave N othing . 1. The Universe a Solitude. 2. Our Aspirations Meaningless. 3. Life Aimless, Profitless, Hopeless. Augustine’s word is true: “Thou hast made for thy self; we rest not till we rest in Tihee.” A dear mother fell sick. Her little daugh­ ter was sent to a relative’s. The mother died and was buried. The child .'returned. Refusing all welcomes she ran to her mother’s apartment, thence from room to room crying between her sobs, “Where is my Mamma? I want my Mamma!” The beautiful home had become desolate. It is only a person that can satisfy, and no other than the infinite Person, Eternal Love and Truth. II. H aving the L ord W e H ave A ll T hings . 1. "I ask no more." Satisfied with Himself!Mary at His feet; John lying in His bosom; Paul “suffering loss of all things” for “One Thing.” A little one glided softly into her father’s study. “What do you want, dearie,” he asked. “Nuffin’, Papa,” said she, “I dess, want to be wiv you.” III. S atisfied with the L ord the S oul is N ot C ontent with L ess . “The earth does not please me." a. It never satisfied; it used to please. b. The mind is now "set on things above." c. Earth will please after He comes. In a German cemetery is this inscription: “Thou Alone.” Sad is'the soul that has only a mortal love as its sole comfort and hope.—5". -------- III S upernatural R eligion "Salvation is of the Lord." —Jonah 2 :9. A world of religions. Only two classes: Natural arid Supernatural.

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