King's Business - 1915-10


THE KING’S BUSINESS We have been almost overwhelmed by a flood of

Is^ the King’s ^ letters from England and Germany and from Ger- Business Prejudiced ? mans in America accusing us of blind and bitter pre­ judice in the present World War. Most of these letters come from clergymen—English or German as the case might be. Some of the letters were kind and reasonable, others were extremely violent and minatory. The English letters.say that it is very evident that we are blindly prejudiced in favor of the Germans and dare not tell the truth about them because of “the large German element in the popula­ tion of the United -States.” One writer informs us that the Germans form more than half the population of the United States. The letters from Ger­ man pastors say that we are dominated by the English, and even lay at the door of T h e K in g s B u sin ess the sending to England and France of muni­ tions of war, and would hold us responsible for the consequent slaughter of German fathers, brothers and sons. Of course, those who accuse us of pro-British and pro-German prejudice cannot both be right. As the charge comes from both sides it inclines us to think that we have been just to both sides, and that those who consider any one save a blind and bitter fellow-partisan, an enemy, attribute to us an enmity which in fact does not exist. We admit that our heart is well-nigh broken over the present war, in which we have lost dear friends; some of them sons of the dearest friends we know; young men whom we have inti­ mately known and loved. And; our hearts are full of sorrow for the awful aftermath of the war that is sure to come to all nations, no matter which side is victorious. We admit too that our hearts go out in sympathy toward the Germans as well as towards the English. Both peoples are dear to u s ; we have friends on both sides. We believe the war is a great masterpiece of Satan. We do not doubt that God will use it in the final outcome to His own glory, and to show men that it is true of nations as well as of individ­ uals that “whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap,” and will thus and in other ways “make the wrath of men to praise Him” (Ps. 76:10). Nevertheless, the war is devilish in its origin, its methods and its results, and a demonstration of what a failure man is (except through grace) in his character, his wisdom, his science, his philosophy, his culture, his civilization, and even "in his religion.

Now is the time to begin planning for our work during the Autumn and Winter. Many of us fail in a measure in getting the best results because we wait until the full rush of the season is upon us. There is no kind of work in which intelligent planning and

Fall and Winter Work of Our


system count more than the work of the church. What are you going to do this Autumn and Winter? Are you going to have an Evangelistic cam- paign (either with or without an evangelist from abroad) ? Begin to pray and plan and work for it now. Are you going to have training classes to train your members for definite, intelligent soul-winning work ? Begin to pray and plan -at once. Are you going to have “ Popular Bible Classes” ? Begin to pray and plan at once. Let us get down to business immediately.

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