King's Business - 1915-10



They, anointed him and clapped their hands, v. 12. Questions: What was God’s command concerning the choice of a king? Deut. 17:15. What was put into his hands? Deut. 7:18-20. What was the effect to be upon the na­ tion ? Déut. 4 :6-8. Did the kings actually wear crowns? 1 Sam. 1.T0; 1 Chron. 20:2. Of what was the clapping of the hands a sign? Ps. 47:1 ; Isa. 55:12. Where is the heir to God’s throne now? Heb. 1 :3. What is He waiting for? Ps. 110:1. How is .He to be anointed? Heb. 1:9. How long will He reign? Heb. 1:8. When will He come to reign? Rom. 11: 15; Eph. 1:10. How will He come? 1 Thess. 4:14-18. .PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The passions and purpose of the hu­ man heart are unchanging. . (2) One woman can work a deal of harm —Eve, Jezebel, Athaliah, Herodias. (3) “Jehosheba” means “Jehovah makes oath.” She was used to make good the oath of God with David. 1 Kings 8:25. (4) Woman proposed and God disposed. (5) The spirit of Satan works in thé chil­ dren of disobedience. (6) The Lord outwitted the wickedness of the queen. (7) God’s purpose can never be defeated. (8) The counsel of the Lord standeth for­ ever. (9) The way of the wicked is an abomina­ tion unto the Lord.

What prompted Jehosheba to save ner brother’s child? Heb. 11:23. What had God promised? 1 Kings 8:25. Will the counsel of the Lord stand? Ps. >33:11. : How could the child be hidden in the temple ? 1 Kings 6 :5. Did the temple fall into decay during Athaliah’s reign ? 2 Kings 13:5. What other temple existed at Jerusalem? 2 Kings 11:18. (2) Compassing the Young King, vs. 4-11. ■ Jehoiada brought the rulers and captains to the house of the Lord, v. 4. He placed them at strategic points, vs- 5-7. He gave command to protect the young king, v. 8. They were armed and ordered to slay any intruder, v. 8. The officers kept faithful guard, vs. 9-11. Questions: To whom was Jehosheba married? 2 Chron. 22:11. Whom did Jehoiada, the priest, take into his confidence? 2 Chron. 23:1. What was the next step ? 2 Chron; 23:2. How could these Levites assist in pro­ tecting the young'king? 2 Chron. 23:6. Were arms stored in the temple ? 1 Sam. 21:9; 2 Sam. 8:7; 2 Chron, 23:9. What else was stored- there ? 2 Chron. 5:2. How was the young child Jesus protect­ ed? Matt. 2:13-15. (3) The Covenant of the King, v. 12. They brought forth, the heir and put a crown on him, v. 12. They made him king, v, 12.

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