American Consequences - January 2019


billion business. That means $80 billion must flow into Apple to produce that gain. Compare that to a business with a $50 million market cap, though – one that’s less than 1% the size of Apple. Those kinds of stocks go up 10% higher all the time. They can double or triple in a day in some cases.

“smart contracts” – or computer code that executes financial transactions automatically. Some call it “programmable money.” Here’s an example... An airline passenger might buy an insurance policy before her flight. If she lands more than two hours late, she wants to be reimbursed. With smart contracts, that can happen automatically. And this isn’t a hypothetical example. There’s a French company called Fizzy that’s already doing it by using ethereum to reimburse passengers. Bitcoin is like the “reserve currency” of the crypto world. A lot of crypto transactions are priced in bitcoin, so if bitcoin gets more expensive – and it will – everything else reflects that gain. Smaller cryptos have market caps that are a tiny fraction of bitcoin’s... 1% of the size in some cases. Think about it in terms of large-cap stocks and small-cap stocks. It takes a lot of money to move Apple 10% higher, because it’s an $800 EricWade is an analyst, editor, and investor who began picking stocks and trading futures contracts in college, eventually becoming a Certified Financial Manager at the largest American retail brokerage. POTENTIAL 1,000%- PLUS GAINS

Crypto expert Eric Wade says that last year’s sell-off was one of the best things that could have happened for crypto investors. Prices today are as low as they were before the market shot up at the end of 2017. But there are more than 2,000 cryptos out there. And 99% of them are junk. Eric has spent thousands of hours analyzing the ones that show true potential. And he’s boiled them down to six. (You can learn more about them by clicking here.)

This plays out the same way in the crypto markets. For example, there was a month in 2017 when bitcoin went up about 50%. But one small crypto went up 3,990% – 88 times the gains. A couple months later, same thing. From early November 2017 until around Christmas 2017, bitcoin went up 110%. But one of the tiny cryptos I follow, called verge, went up 4,000% in the same time span – 40 times the gains. This is exactly what we’re going to see in the smaller cryptos in 2019.

His cryptocurrency career began by mining bitcoin and other cryptos, and he has become a successful investor and analyst in this space.

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