5.13 The materials palette will need to be high quality, and should include render, brick and stone. The roof should be tiled (clay) or a recessive metal might be acceptable – this would need to be negotiated with the Council. The use of uPVC in the conservation area is unlikely to be supported but powder coated aluminium could be acceptable, in lieu of timber (the Council’s preferred material). 5.14 The proposal will need to comply with the Council’s sustainable design and construction policies (use of renewable energy measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from residual energy use in the buildings by at least 20%). There could also be a requirement for the development to connect to a district heating network, should this be in operation in this part of Bristol. This will need to be discussed with an energy specialist and the Council at the feasibility/design stage. 5.15 Dedicated provision for secure, conveniently located cycle parking will be necessary in accordance with the adopted parking standards. 5.16 Refuse and recycling provision must be incorporated in accordance with the standards set in Policy DM32. This will need to be close to the waste collection point. The site plan will need to identify the location for storage and show the size/capacity of the storage containers to demonstrate compliance with Policy DM32. 5.17 The Council operates a Community Infrastructure Levy, therefore any new floorspace created will be subject to a charge payable upon commencement of the development (see CIL information pages on the Council’s website 8 ).
Application Report/Survey Requirements
5.18 Any formal application will require the standard plans, application and CIL Question forms, and ownership certificates. Additional items are likely to include: - A Design and Access Statement; A Heritage Statement;
8 https://www.bristol.gov.uk/planning-and-building-regulations/development-liable-for- community-infrastructure-levy
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