PPA | Hampton Lane Garage, Redland, BS6 6LE


2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 This PPA has been commissioned by the current owner of the Hampton Lane Garage (deemed to be Use Class B2) to identify its redevelopment potential. The garage use was granted consent in 1996. 2.2 The site is located to the rear of no. 79 Whiteladies Road (a Grade II Listed Building), and historically would have formed part of its curtilage. 2.3 The garage is single-storey and occupies the entire plot. It has a dual pitched, metal corrugated roof, supported by brick walls with parapets, which sit inside/adjoining what appear to be historic rubble stone walls along the northern and southern party boundaries. These original walls have been repaired at the end using brick and are an important feature of the lane, being present on the adjacent plots to the rear of no’s. 81, 83 and 85 Whiteladies Road. The Google Earth aerial image indicates a modest link-extension to the rear of the listed building and the garage, but the Land Registry plan suggests that this is outside the site’s ownership boundary. 2.4 Hampton Lane is a narrow service street running parallel with Whiteladies Road, connecting Aberdeen Road and Cotham Hill. The majority of plots along it, historically once linked to the frontage buildings on both Whiteladies Road and Cotham Hill, have been developed to accommodate subservient ‘backland’ developments, but there are a number of plots to the western side of the lane that remain undeveloped and used for car parking in association with the frontage buildings. 2.5 The Council’s online planning records reveal recent applications (submitted in 2019) for redevelopment proposals incorporating student housing to the rear of no’s. 85 Whiteladies Road and 43 Cotham Hill (i.e. on Hampton Lane). However, these were withdrawn prior to a formal decision being made. The submitted applications and consultation responses have been removed from the website and it is not possible therefore to review those schemes or any Council/third party feedback. It is considered likely that these will be resubmitted.

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