PPA | Hampton Lane Garage, Redland, BS6 6LE


2.6 The land to the rear of 103 Whiteladies Road has extant consent for the erection of a 2 and 3 storey building for student use (sui-generis) 1 . 3. CONSTRAINTS 3.1 The existing car repair use is protected in policy terms (Policies BCS8 and DM12) and any proposal for a non-employment use will need justification in accordance with the policy criteria. The existing use could be having some impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring properties, and if it is an unrestricted B2 (General Industry) use as opposed to B1c (Light Industry), re-use of the existing building for an alternative B2 use has the potential to result in greater harm. If an “unacceptable impact” (Policy DM12) can be demonstrated, then this would justify a change of use from Use Class B2 (in the case of a conversion) but the Council would expect any redevelopment of the site to incorporate employment use (such as those within the B1 use class). 3.2 Uses within the A Use Class (i.e. retail, professional services, food and drink, take- aways and pubs) would be unlikely to be supported in this back-land location due to environmental amenity and servicing concerns. 3.3 The site is located in the Whiteladies Road Conservation Area, and forms part of the ‘setting’ to no. 79 Whiteladies Road, a Grade II listed building. The adjoining buildings; no’s. 75, 77 and 81, are also Grade II listed. Planning legislation 2 requires that any development within the grounds of a listed building preserves its setting and there is also a statutory duty 3 for developments to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of a conservation area. National policy 4 requires that “great weight” is placed on the need to conserve heritage assets, including listed buildings and conservation areas. Consequently, the impact on the setting and outlook of no. 79 and the adjoining listed buildings and the character and

1 18/00508/F and listed building consent Ref 18/00509/LA 2 Sections 16 and 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 3 Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 4 The National Planning Policy Framework and the associated guidance, the National Planning Policy Guidance

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