appearance of the conservation area will be a key consideration in the determination of any proposal for the redevelopment of the site. It is also likely to limit the scale, mass, form and height of any building proposed as a replacement for the garage. 3.4 The existing rubble stone boundary walls are likely to be deemed to be curtilage listed and would need to be retained. This was established in an appeal decision 5 for the adjacent site. 3.5 The refused application (reference 18/03850/F) and dismissed appeal for the adjacent site, no. 81 Whiteladies Road, will be a strong material consideration in the assessment of any planning application for the redevelopment of this site. The scheme, which proposed a three-storey redevelopment comprising an office on the ground floor and sui-generis student accommodation on the upper floors, was dismissed in July 2019 due to the harm to the setting of the listed building (including the loss of the curtilage listed walls); the harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area; and the potential to prejudice the development potential of the adjoining land (due to the inclusion of windows on the side elevations). The decision notice identifies that this end of Hampton Lane has a “mews-like character” and that the “contrast between the service nature of Hampton Lane and the scale and formality of Whiteladies Road adds to the area’s heritage value.” It also notes that the scale of the buildings along Hampton Lane are mostly one or two-storey, “…emphasising the mews-like identity”, although it also notes that there are taller buildings towards the northern end. The appeal decision establishes that a three- storey development at this end of Hampton Lane would not be acceptable for heritage/townscape reasons and that the three-storey building at the northern end of Hampton Lane, to the rear of no. 91 Whiteladies Road, is not a desirable precedent due to its incongruous height, scale and mass within this backland location.
5 APP/Z0116/W/19/3224639
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