PPA | Hampton Lane Garage, Redland, BS6 6LE


by improving the setting of the listed building and the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

4.4 The highly sustainable location of the site should mean that no off-street parking is necessary (i.e. the adopted parking standards can be relaxed) 6 .

4.5 The site is located in Flood Zone 1 (Low Risk).


5.1 The site is considered suitable for redevelopment through demolition of the existing building and the erection of a new building. 5.2 Redevelopment for an alternative employment use within the B1 use class would be likely to be supported, or there is scope for a mixed-use comprising employment and residential. 5.3 A flatted scheme or student housing should be acceptable, however, this should include employment use on the ground floor in view of the existing economic use. 5.4 The threshold for affordable housing is 10 units or sites of 0.5 hectare and above. The site’s constraints (size, location, and siting within the curtilage of a listed building) is likely to restrict scale/density and it is unlikely therefore that any requirement for affordable housing would be triggered. 5.5 The existing building has established the baseline conditions for the site in terms of siting/height/scale/mass, etc. However, the appeal decision for no. 81 Hampton Lane has established that a height of three-storey would be unacceptable at the southern end of Hampton Lane. 5.6 It is considered that the Council would be unlikely to support an increase in height across the entire site (i.e. two-storey for the entire length). It is therefore Development Principles

6 This was the Council’s view in dealing with refused application 18/03850/F for the adjacent site.

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