
23B — October 30 - November 12, 2015 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


New Jersey Apartment Association www.njaa.com

Two dozen legislators and 100+ multifamily executives attend the 12th Annual NJAA PAC Reception Two dozen legislators joined over one hundred multifamily executives for the 12th Annual NJAA PAC reception at Crestmont Country Club. NJAA introduced a new format this year which provided attendees an opportunity to network and build enhanced relationships with members of the Legislature as well as fellow NJAA members. The reception was an oppor- tunity to display the full scope of the multifamily housing industry to the legislative leaders in attendance. The multifamily industry provides high quality and affordable rental housing to over one million New Jerseyans, supports over 45,000 well-paying jobs, and pumps bil- lions of dollars into New Jersey’s economy every year. NJAA PAC depends upon the ongoing commitment of its membership. Thank you to all who participated in the event and for your support of the PAC. If you have not made a contribution to NJAA PAC in the past, please consider doing so. If you have contributed in the past, please consider doing more so that we can grow NJAA PAC to be commensurate to the size of the industry. Please contact Nicholas Kikis at pac@njaa.com or at 732-992-0605 to become part of the NJAA PAC.

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