
YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of December 4 to 10, 2016


ARIES Take good care of your immune system. If you’re seeing a lot of people, take the necessary precautions to avoid catching their germs. Make sure to get plenty of rest. TAURUS Time is a factor, and you’ll need to decide between different obligations and certain activities. Focus on balancing the differ- ent spheres of your life. GEMINI A trip is on the horizon. Even if it’s only in a few months, you need to start preparing now. Look into getting your vaccinations or renewing your passport, for example. CANCER Expect some minor conflicts this week. You’ll no longer be able to ignore what you’ve been putting off. You’ll be able to relax only when everything gets done. LEO You close a contract that changes your life. Your perseverance enables you to reach new heights, even on a personal level. Your audacity and your warrior spirit are in full swing. VIRGO A great deal of work and a lot of details require most of your time. Try letting go and taking the time to appreciate the now. You’ll adopt a good outlook on life. LIBRA You’re going to be the centre of attention. You’ll be the only person to accomplish a particular task at work, and this will earn you some well-deserved recognition from management. SCORPIO Breaking your routine benefits both you and your relationship. Don’t turn down invita- tions from your friends — they’re going to surprise you, especially if you’re single. SAGITTARIUS The slightest interest in real estate can lead to some very profitable returns. You’ll also be tempted to change your home decor before the holidays in order to impress certain people. CAPRICORN You won’t be afraid to speak your mind — just make sure to have all the right information before you do. You’ll need to translate an important message to avoid any possible confusion. AQUARIUS You might be tempted to purchase something expensive. Be prepared to go over your budget while shopping for Christmas gifts. You’ll also need a little extra energy to get through the week. PISCES You’ll be lost in deep contemplation. Your convictions force you to develop your spirituality. A pilgrimage is a project you might start planning.


ACROSS 1. Deadly serpents

57.Beast of burden 58.Clearance 59.Chair or bench DOWN 1. Hole punchers 2. Scat! 3. Moneyless 4. Welfare 5. Gin drink 6. Lumberman’s tool 7. Got some shut- eye 8. Cashier 9. Tale 10.Bar brews 11.Open happiness 19.Glide over snow 21.Foe 23.Attract 24.Possessive pro- noun 25.Ping-Pong divid- er 26.Model T 27.Andes pack ani- mal 29.Flower wreath

30.Lodging place 31.Pull 34.Come before 37.Winter jackets 39.Have being 41.Jeweled head- piece 42.Cola, e.g. 43.Astonishes 44.Service charges 46.Corrosive liquids 47.Cherish 48.Zone 49.Siesta 52.“____ Abner”

5. Ship’s pole 9. Sink down


12.Rider’s command 13.Automobile part 14.Completely 15.Appear 16.Angler’s tool 17.____ whillikers! 18.Most tender 20.Gratify 22.Young feline 24.Slope 28.Ignited again 32.Small duck 33.Demon 35.List of options 36.Thong 38.Beseeching 40.____ of course 42.African tour 45.Lowest floor 50.Have unpaid bills 51.Curly veggie 53.Time gone by 54.Cee’s follower 55.Very dry 56.Dusks


Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 7 décembre 2016

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