Vote for a Better Deal by Brian Buck
This will be a relatively brief soapbox session. After all, by this point in the election cycle, you’re probably as worn out as I am by the endless political ads, the constant political shouting, and the general political bashing that’s taken place in the lead-up to Tuesday’s election. In the midst of all of this, let me leave you with a thought regarding voting for a better deal, since that’s what this election is about.
better deals that they got for you. It’s about voting for a better deal. This election, in more than 27 states, is also about voting for ballot measures that will create a better deal for you. Whether it’s to increase spending or decrease spending, impose new restrictions or lessen restrictions, it’s about voting for a better deal. You certainly don’t have to vote — that’s your right. But just remember how many men and women have sacrificed their lives to give you the opportunity to vote for a better deal. Think about all of those people out there right now who are fighting for your right to choose to vote for a better deal. There’s a lot that’s gone into your right to vote for a better deal. “It’s about voting for people who will enforce the better deals that they got for you.”
“It’s about voting for a better deal.”
This election is about voting for people who will give you a better deal, however you define that. It’s about voting for those whom you feel have your best interests in mind and will legislate in a manner that represents those interests. It’s about voting for a better deal. This election is about voting for officials who will uphold your better deal locally and nationally. It’s about voting for people who will enforce the “There’s a lot that’s gone into your right to vote for a better deal.”
If you choose to not vote for a better deal, then please do the rest of us a favor and don’t complain about the deal you get. Please, if you haven’t already done so, vote for a better deal.
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