Westport Bunga Raya Energy Tower

ELQUATOR’s SOLAR TRACKER is a device programmed to move the Photovoltaic panels so that they continuously face the sun to maximize the irradiation received by the Photovoltaic panels array. This will increase and maximize irradiation absorption up to two times more than fixed- position Photovoltaic panels that only receive a maximum of 4 hours of direct sunlight. Built-in Real Time Clock and GPS-assisted tracking algorithm helps track the sun’s trajectory at any specific time and location. The dual-axis system, with its flexibility, ensures that the Photovoltaic panels face the sun directly Throughout the day, for maximized irradiation absorption. The Solar Tracker can be monitored and controlled remotely by mobile devices connected via a built-in Wi-Fi module. HOW DUAL-AXIS GPS-ASSISTED SOLAR TRACKER FUNCTION

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