FMN | April 12th, 2021

Apex International Implements “Vision: 2020s” Apex International has implemented its long-range “Vision: 2020s”plan with significant expansion in each

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of its five global manufacturing fa- cilities. As part of it’s phased growth strategy, new buildings, new produc- tion equipment, and new personnel will enable Apex to scale up produc- tion capacity while elevating industry benchmarks for quality, according to the company.

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“Based on technology and market trends in the last decade,Apex planned major investments into global facilities and capital equipment to address anticipated industry Ruud van Cujik

growth,”reported MarianWaterschoot, CEO of Apex International, headquar- tered in the Netherlands. “Apex reinvests 20 percent of its revenues into product research and development, new equipment, facil- ity expansion, and professional de- velopment,” stated Apex Chairman Ken Ralton.

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Each of Apex’s manufacturing facil- ities are in the process of physical plant expansion or receipt of new equipment.All new

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Apex buildings are constructed to en- sure energy-efficiency and minimize carbon footprint. Apex Italy, based near Milan, is near- ing completion on new construction that increases its factory size by 33 percent.“

Apex North America, near Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, has begun con- struction planning to double the size of its manufacturing facility and en- able a greater warehousing area for its ReadyRoll an- Mahesh Kode

ilox roll and sleeve in-stock programs. Apex LatinAmerica in southern Bra- zil will soon take delivery of a new laser which will increase production capability by 25 percent. Apex Asia Pacific near Mumbai, In- dia, recently installed the following new equipment: a laser, a precision CNC grinder, and a plasma spray unit. These investments to the recently-con- structed India facility boost produc-

Prasenjit Das

tion capacity by at least 40 percent and will enable the manufacture of larger corrugated and coating rolls.

(Cont’d on Page 12)

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