Orange County Insight January 2024

Orange County's monthly source for in-depth information about activities, programs, events, and more.



Deck the Paws Fundraising Campaign Leaps Expectations Page 11 Public Works Stays Busy with Renovation and Education Pages 3 - 4

A Deluge and a Drill for Emergency Personnel Pages 15 - 16 Youth Council Active Over Winter Break Pages 25 - 26

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Team Orange,

Happy New Year! As this issue of OCI goes to press, we are recovering from a minor flooding event and anticipating our first winter storm in more than a year. Addressing such events

successfully requires planning and preparedness. While no plan can anticipate every contingency, the planning itself helps us to think through our options, prepare contingencies and acquire resources that would otherwise be unavailable in an emergency. Similarly, we can ’ t predict what the future will bring to our community over the next several years, but we can consider our options and chart a course that we believe will advance Orange County as much as possible. As the old saying goes, “ If you don ’ t know where you ’ re going, any road will get you there. ” It has been quite the opposite in Orange County ,as clear objectives helped us successfully implement FiberLync broadband, the Public Safety Building, our new Radio System, and our Digital Citizen Initiative, just to name a few. As mentioned last month, the Board will be coming together to begin its strategic planning process on the 20th, and I am optimistic about the opportunity to build a shared vision for our organization and community that will guide us for the next several years. In support of their planned work, the Senior Leadership Team gathered in October to provide input and ideas for the Board to consider as issues are discussed. I will be sure to include updates in future issues of OCI and look forward to supporting our Board as they set community priorities that will guide our work.

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Cover Photo: Rapidan River following January 9, 2024 Flooding County of Orange Fire & EMS (COFEMS) Drone Photograph

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District 1 - Returning

District 2 - Newly Elected

District 3 - Re - elected

District 4 - Newly Elected

District 5 - Newly Elected

R. Mark Johnson Chairman

Ed M. Van Hoven

Keith F. Marshall Vice Chairman

Crystal D. Hale

J. Bryan Nicol

Orange County Welcomes New Elected Officials, Assigns Board Roles at Organizational Meeting

By: Orange County Communications Department

Setting the tone for the New Year, the Orange County Board of Supervisors takes time during the year ’ s first meeting for organizational purposes. For 2024, this meeting was held Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Items at the Organizational Meeting typically include appointments such as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Clerk, and Chief Deputy Clerk.

At this meeting, Supervisor R. Mark Johnson was reinstalled as the Chairman, and returning Supervisor Keith F. Marshall was appointed as the Board ’ s Vice Chairman. This meeting also facilitates appointments of Board positions such as liaisons to pertinent committees (list available to the right). This meeting was especially notable as the Board welcomed three new members, Ed M. Van Hoven (District 2), Crystal D. Hale (District 4), and J. Bryan Nicol (District 5). Supervisors Hale and Nicol served last year in interim roles, but this meeting was the first of their official elected terms and their first organizational meeting. For more information about your Supervisor, or to find copies of agendas, minutes, and more, visit the Orange County website at Most information related to the Board of Supervisors is available under the “ Government ” tab at the top of the screen.

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Buildings and Grounds Complete Multiple Renovation Projects, Continue Work on Others

By: Orange County Communications Department

2023 proved to be a busy year for our Public Works Department, particularly for the Buildings and Grounds division. Tasked with renovating half of the 14 facilities operated by Orange County, they have tackled a large portion of the more than 35,000 square feet ’ s worth of improvements. While the scope of work at

each location varied, most spaces received upgrades to flooring, fresh paint, wayfinding signage, and redesigned office space. We are extremely proud of the efforts of county staff towards completing these projects. Notable highlights from this flurry of activity include the completion of the Belleview and Modena Buildings to allow their new occupants, the Extension Office and Voter Registrar ’ s Office respectively, to take up residence and resume operations. Each of these departments will benefit from increased space that is no longer shared with other agencies. This focus will help facilitate improved processes and expanded program offerings. The Orange County Airport ’ s former terminal building along Route 20 is also complete. It has been retrofitted with new flooring and paint as well as a revised office - focused layout. With the exception of the hangar, this unique facility is now available for rental and can be used as office space for one to three tenants. Interested businesses should call (540) 661 - 5407 for more information. The Animal Shelter is receiving new flooring, fresh paint, the installation of noise baffles, heating and air upgrades, redesigned office space, and a more welcoming entrance. These renovations are nearing completion, and are estimated around 85%. The Gordon Building is entering the second half of its renovations, which focus on reconfiguring the basement (which formerly housed Board of Supervisors meetings) and second levels to create more efficient office space, a break room/ kitchenette, and a mail room.

Pending projects include Sedwick Building HVAC replacements and further improvements to Rescue Station 23 on Berry Hill Road. Keep up the great work, Public Works!

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Public Works Staff Engage in Continuing Professional Education through Innovative Germanna Partnership

By: Orange County Communications Department

While staying on top of their practical skills by overseeing substantial renovations to Orange County facilities (see opposite page), performing consistent routine maintenance, and answering incoming work orders, several members of the Buildings and Grounds team (part of our Public Works department) have been taking courses through Germanna Community College to further refine their trade knowledge and skills. Through a unique partnership with the school, their instructors have visited our facilities to instruct students from our staff as well as those from local businesses.

Every Tuesday for the past several weeks, participating staff have stayed after work hours to attend class. In preparation for this class, some staff members took the Core Craft Skills pre - requisite over the summer, while others tested out of the requirement. The current class, Electrical Level 1, is now nearing completion, with practical exams remaining. For these exams, staff will have to perform related tasks in front of a licensed professional to demonstrate competency.

Knowledge gained from this class will have direct impacts on the work performed by our

staff. Public Works plans to continue the partnership to offer classes that pertain to regular maintenance duties. “ My favorite part was getting the chance to learn more about topics I see on a daily basis, and as a team, accomplish more of the county ’ s electrical maintenance needs, ” said Joey Freeze, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor. ” Mr. Blakely [the instructor] was great, and we really enjoyed the class, ” he added.

The Public Works Department looks to build on the success of this class. To continue refining skills regularly needed for work order fulfillment, plumbing is planned to be the next class offered. Facilitating continuing education like this class is part of Orange County ’ s efforts to position itself as an employer of choice in central Virginia, attracting and retaining skilled staff

members. These employees, in turn, are well - prepared and highly motivated to effectively serve our residents.

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Orange County Public Safety Personnel Assist with Update of Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan

By: April Clark, Emergency Planner, Orange County Fire & EMS

Orange County is currently working in partnership with the Rappahannock - Rapidan Regional Commission (RRRC) to update the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The last HMP was created in 2018, and is available online for viewing. Plans are required by federal regulations to be updated every

five years. The purpose of the HMP is to identify hazards that threaten our community, determine the likely impacts of those hazards, and assess the vulnerability of our community to identified hazards. Additionally, the plan will examine the region ’ s current capacity to address those hazards, mitigate risk, and determine strategies that could lessen the impacts of hazards. Having a current HMP is an important emergency management best practice as it seeks to reduce the risks and impacts to our communities and ensures that we are eligible for numerous funding opportunities. In addition to the Hazard Mitigation Plan update, this effort will incorporate a new Regional Resilience Plan that will primarily address flooding, historically the region ’ s biggest hazard. The creation of a Regional Resilience Plan in tandem with the HMP update will provide for a unified effort and, once approved, will result in localities being eligible for expanded state grant funding to implement strategies and projects. We appreciate your attention to this important project – please look for additional information to be released in the near future providing opportunities for you to be involved in the update of the plan. For any questions or additional information, please contact the project team at or visit

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Deck the Paws Campaign is a Tail - Wagging Success!

By: Orange County Communications Department and the Orange County Animal Shelter

Beginning on Giving Tuesday, November 28, the Orange County Animal Shelter launched its “ Deck the Paws ” campaign. This fundraiser allowed animal lovers in our community the opportunity to support the mission of the shelter in any (or all) of several ways, including making a monetary gift to help fill the stocking of one of our cats or dogs and to support causes like our emergency veterinary fund, contributing food to help fill the bellies of the animals in our care, and purchasing needed items off of our wishlist.

We ’ re pleased to report that this fundraiser was a huge success thanks to the generosity of our community. We received $9,821.83 in monetary donations, which allowed us to easily fill all of the stockings for our dogs and cats! Thanks to our amazing community, this year ’ s contributions showed a great deal of growth compared to last year ’ s total of $4,450. Tails are wagging throughout the shelter in appreciation!

Just as impressive was the cat and dog food collection arm of the campaign. Initially, we set a goal to collect 1,000 pounds of food, but we exceeded that goal barely a week into the campaign, we decided to

dream big and double the goal to 2,000 pounds. Apparently, that seemingly ambitious goal did not match

the generosity of our incredible supporters. In the end, we collected an astonishing 4,000 pounds of canned and dry dog and cat food. There was no shortage of donated supplies either. A mountain of pet beds, toys, treats, and more were donated from animal lovers near and far.

The Orange County Animal Shelter wishes to express thanks to the community for this outpouring of support, which will help us provide

high quality care to our animals. However, dogs and cats keep eating and expenses always accrue. With that in mind, donations of food and funds are accepted year - round. If you ’ d like to make a donation to support the shelter, visit Don ’ t forget, the best gift you can give one of our pets is a home. If your family is interested in adding a furry friend to your lives, please visit to get started. Thank you again!

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Gingerbread House Contest Continues Sweet Tradition

By: Orange County Communications Department

Last month, Parks & Recreation again hosted the annual Gingerbread House Contest in partnership with the Arts Center in Orange and supported by sponsors Krecek Kakes and Darnell ’ s Garden Patch. We appreciate all this year ’ s participants and those that visited the Arts Center to vote for their favorite!

Winners from this year ’ s contest included:

1st Place, People ’ s Choice, and Funniest Superlative - Douglas Pitera, We Love OC!

2nd Place & Cutest Superlative - Rosanna Zamudio, Barbie Decks the Halls

3rd Place - Gina Haney, Christmas in the Bayou

Most Original Superlative - Bright Side Early Care and Learning Center, School Aged Little Town

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Departments Streamline Communications into Youth and Adult Program Subscriber Lists

By: Orange County Communications Department

Many youth and adult activities are offered every season by Orange County departments. To help the most members of the community enjoy the benefits of these programs, our departments are always seeking ways to improve their outreach efforts.

With that in mind, a thought popped up in departmental discussions, “ Wouldn ’ t it be nice for parents to be able to sign up for texts and email notifications about all County youth programs in one spot? ” For years, Parks & Recreation had utilized the Notify Me system housed in the County ’ s website. This system was already capable of sending emails and text messages to subscribers. With a little tweaking, it could readily serve the purpose. With that in mind, the decision was made to convert the “ Parks & Recreation Programs ” list to the new “ Youth Program Notifications ” list. A new “ Adult Program Notifications ” list was created alongside this change to provide an option for current Parks & Recreation subscribers who were primarily interested in activities for adults and seniors. List subscribers will continue to receive notifications from Parks & Recreation, but will now also receive information from the Public Library, the Extension Office, the Office on Youth, and other departments offering youth or adult activities. In preparation for the change, current subscribers received an email explaining the revitalization and expansion of the list, along with instructions for subscribing to the new adult list or unsubscribing if they were no longer interested in receiving information. Since the launch of the revised system at the end of December, subscriber numbers have grown for both lists. Already, more than ten youth and adult programs have been published through the notifications, with many more to come. If you are interested in receiving notifications about youth or adult programs, visit The video linked below provides signup instructions. Example Program Notice Text Message

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January 9 Storm Brings Downpours and Flooded Roadways

By: Orange County Communications Department, Photographs Courtesy of Orange County Fire & EMS

After mostly dodging the icicle with a winter weather scare over the prior weekend, Orange County was next in the sights of a system bringing torrential downpours and heavy winds on par with a tropical storm. In preparation for the storm, County of Orange Fire & EMS (COFEMS), Emergency Communications, and other departments distributed several communications over social media (see bottom of page) reminding residents about the dangers of heavy rains and wind. These hazards are sometimes overlooked compared to the more recognizable dangers that come with snow and ice storms; but they are capable of causing considerable risks in their own right.

Especially when the ground is already saturated, a combination of heavy rain and winds can cause many trees to fall, blocking roads, cutting power, and even damaging homes. While the impacts of this heavy

rainstorm could have been much more severe, it still had significant impacts throughout Orange County. Eight roads were closed due to the rising waters. The Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office and COFEMS monitored the situation and reported many of the impacts to the public over social media, reminding folks to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) also monitors closed roadways, and that information is available at

According to COFEMS, there were six storm - related calls for service during the course of the event, including a tree falling into a home. Thankfully, no injuries were reported. One hundred and thirty - five homes were reported to have lost power. These outages were resolved fairly quickly thanks to the prompt efforts of utility crews. The January 9 weather event serves as a strong reminder of the dangers of flooding. Prepare now before the next event arrives. Learn more at, and remember: Turn around, don ’ t drown !

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Scheduled Emergency Operations Center Drill Simulates January 2022 Winter Storm

By: Orange County Communications Department, Photographs Courtesy of Orange County Fire & EMS

While the January 9 weather event (thankfully) did not become severe enough to require activation of the Orange County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), it was serendipitous that a drill had previously been scheduled to occur the following day. This drill was intended to simulate the winter weather incident that occurred January 2 - 3, 2022, during which a storm quickly developed and exceeded forecasts. That storm left significant heavy wet snow, and caused massive power outages across Orange County which necessitated the opening of warming centers at several locations. While the 2022 event was the focus of the simulation, it was useful to consider the fresh events of the prior day ’ s flooding

as well during this training exercise. When the EOC is activated, or “ stood up, ” staff members and volunteers from across Orange County ’ s emergency services report to take a station. Those present often go beyond the traditional concept of first responders. Social Services, the Extension Office, Orange County Public Schools, and more may be called in to assist depending on the situation. Operating an EOC presents several advantages during a disaster response. As calls come in and responses are dispatched, a team atmosphere develops. The area becomes a “ solution center ” to help allocate available resources to help residents. Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Manager, ideas are encouraged, and non - traditional, cross - departmental solutions may be necessary. The state - of - the - art Orange County Public Safety Building itself provides the perfect setting. Using its resources and technology, staff are able to visually map an emergency, monitor calls and responses, and more. Several more drills are scheduled this year to prepare staff for an actual emergency. While emergencies are never hoped - for, residents should be assured that our team is ready to respond.

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Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office Opens Registration for Citizens ’ Police Academy By: Orange County Communications Department and the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office The Sheriff ’ s Office is again offering its popular Citizens ’ Police Academy Program. Registration is now open, and the program will begin in March. The Citizens ’ Police Academy is a program designed to build positive community relationships between the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office and the citizens of Orange County by educating the community on the operations of the Sheriff ’ s Office and dispelling any misconceptions about local law enforcement. The 10 - week (3 - hour evening sessions 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Mondays of each week) program is provided at no charge and is open to Orange County residents over the age of 18, Orange County business owners, and people employed within Orange County. Most classes will be held at the Orange County Public Safety Building, but some will be held throughout the county. To register, please complete the Citizens ’ Police Academy Overview and Application Document and return it to Sarah Altman at A Citizens ’ Youth Academy is also offered for those aged 14 through 18. Stay tuned for details about that program.

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Tax Bill Reminders

By: Orange County Communications Department

The Treasurer ’ s Office is reminding residents that tax bills for personal property and the second half of 2023 real estate taxes were due on December 5, 2023. Any outstanding bills are now past due, and late fees and interest have been applied. Delinquent notices will be mailed soon. For those who have not completed payment, the Treasurer ’ s Office is able to make payment plans to ease the impact of the expense. Please remember that agreements do not eliminate the penalty or interest on the balance that is owed. It does, however, eliminate some collections actions such as tax liens and Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) stops. It will not eliminate the withholding of the state refund.

Another option which may help lessen the impact of paying tax bills at one time is prepayment. Prepayment for taxes can be accepted at any time throughout the year (even monthly), and can help spread out the expense. Send the payment stating it is a prepayment for either personal property or real estate taxes. When prepaying personal property, please indicate the “ PPID ” from your prior year ’ s bill. For real estate, include your parcel ID. Review November ’ s Insight issue for tax bill frequently asked questions.

Those with questions should contact the Treasurer ’ s Office at (540) 672 - 2656.

Elderly and Handicapped Tax Relief Applications Due March 1, 2024

By: Orange County Communications Department

The Commissioner of the Revenue ’ s Office is reminding eligible residents that tax relief applications for the elderly and handicapped will be due March 1, 2024, for this tax year. Applicants for relief for this tax year must have turned 65 years or older as of December 31, 2023.

Handicapped applicants under 65 must provide, with their application, affidavits by two medical doctors who are either licensed to practice medicine in the Commonwealth or are military officers on active duty who practice medicine with the United States Armed Forces, to the effect that the applicant(s) is permanently and totally disabled as defined in Section 58.13127; however, a certification pursuant to 42 U.S.C 423 (d) by the Social Security Administration so long as the person(s) remains eligible for social security benefits shall satisfy this requirement. A dwelling jointly held may qualify if either spouse is over 65 or is permanently and totally disabled. Additional requirements for application apply. More information and downloadable forms are available online or by request at the Commissioner of the Revenue ’ s Office at 112 West Main Street, Orange. Applicants must reapply each year. For assistance, call (540) 672 - 4441. Please note electronic or emailed applications cannot be accepted. Applications must be delivered in - person or mailed to:

Commissioner of the Revenue's Office P.O. Box 389 Orange, VA 22960

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James Madison ’ s Montpelier ’ s Archaeology Lunch & Learn January 17

Inn at Willow Grove ’ s Comedy Weekend January 26 & 27

2nd Annual Lunar New Year Celebration February 3

Palladio Restaurant's An Evening in Tuscany February 9

Paint it Orange Valentine ’ s Cookie Painting February 11

Find more fun events at:

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A New Facebook Page for the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office

By: Orange County Communications Department and the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office

The Sheriff ’ s Office is launching a new Facebook page in January 2024. This new page is titled, “ Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office VA - Jason C. Smith, Sheriff, and will replace the former “ Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office ” page. Residents interested in staying informed about Sheriff ’ s Office activities are encouraged to Like and Follow the new page.

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2024 Culpeper SWCD Tree Sale PICK UP FOR ALL PLANTS IS MARCH 22 & 23, 2024 Open to anyone but pick up is at the CSWCD Culpeper Office

• Eastern redbud, Red - osier dogwood, American elderberry, Silver maple, Shortleaf pine & chestnut oak — 5 of one species for $5

• American chestnut hybrid — 5 for $30

• Native meadow wildflower seed mix with cover crop (designed for 1,000 square feet) - $30

• Silky dogwood & buttonbush for streambank erosion prevention - 25 of one species for $25

Questions? Call Stephanie at (540) 825 - 8591 or email Find the order form under “ News ” at

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that results from the decay of Uranium which is found in certain types of soil and bedrock. You can ’ t see, smell or taste it and it can only be detected by testing. Radon is normally reduced to very low levels in outdoor air, but in certain circumstances it can reach much higher concentrations indoors. Radon is consid- ered second only to smoking as the leading cause of lung cancer. Visit to order a $3 radon test kit from the Virginia Department of Health.

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Youth Council Combats Tobacco Litter Over Winter Break

By: Orange County Communications Department and the Orange County Office on Youth

The Orange County Youth Council took time over their holiday break to help pick up trash and tobacco litter in the Town of Gordonsville. Twelve youth volunteers, with adult support and assistance from Orange County Litter Control, combed the streets in teams to locate and remove any litter. This cleanup is held twice a year, once in the Town of Orange (usually during the spring) and once in Gordonsville (in the fall or winter) Tobacco litter was kept separate from other forms of waste in order to get an estimate on the number of cigarette butts collected based on weight. Based on these calculations, the team cleaned up approximately 4,080 cigarette butts! According to Keep America Beautiful ’ s most recent litter study, “ Cigarette butts continue to be the single most littered item in the United States, even though cigarette butt litter has declined

Cigarette butts continue to be the singe most littered item in the Unites States. 1

dramatically since 2009. Plastic films, both general use films and food - packaging films, such as candy wrappers or snack bags, represent

the second and third most littered items in America. ” 1 On a related note, Orange County residents can reduce plastic film litter by bringing such items to one of our six collection receptacles at County offices. Through our participation in the NexTrex program, we will receive one high - quality composite bench whenever we collect 1,000 pounds of recyclable plastic film material. Despite the encouraging decline, cigarette and other tobacco litter is still significant, an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide each year. The toxic impacts of such litter have been shown to be harmful to wildlife 2 and have many other negative impacts. We ’ re proud of the dedication displayed by our youth to make a positive impact at each of these events.

1 Keep America Beautiful . Keep America Beautiful 2020 National Litter Study Summary Report. Keep America Beautiful; San Marcos, CA, USA: 2021. [(accessed on 10 January 2023)]. 2 Slaughter, E., Gersberg, R. M., Watanabe, K., Rudolph, J., Stransky, C., & Novotny, T. E. (2011). Toxicity of cigarette butts, and their chemical components, to marine and freshwater fish. Tobacco control, 20 Suppl 1(Suppl_1), i25–i29.

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Youth Council Creates Monthly Posters to Inform High School Student Body

By: Alisha Vines, Director Orange County Office on Youth

In addition to making a direct impact cleaning up the sidewalks of Gordonsville, the Orange County Youth Council has been working to reduce vaping and tobacco use through “ Hornet Hotline ” posters at the High School. Going beyond tobacco prevention alone, these posters also provide important information about mental health, violence prevention, and much more. The Council got the idea after seeing something similar at James Madison University on the bathroom stall doors. Council members hung posters up January 3, before school was back in session, in all of the boys and girls bathrooms in the high school and field house. This allows students to find the resources they need when others are not looking. We are hoping to take away some of the stigma of looking for help as well as the peer pressure and judgment some students may feel if others see them getting the information.

Follow the Orange HCAT for Wellness Wednesday Tips

By: Orange County Office on Youth

Do you follow the Orange Healthy Community Action Team (HCAT) on Facebook and Instagram? Each week, they publish helpful Wellness Wednesday information like this one from January 10, 2024: It ’ s Wellness Wednesday! The Orange Healthy Community Action Team would like to remind you … Vaping nicotine can amplify feelings of anxiety, stress and depression. Youth can begin their anonymous quitting journey now by simply texting VAPEFREEOC to 88709. And if you are the parent of a young person who vapes, you can text QUIT to (202) 899 - 7550 to sign up to receive text messages designed specifically for parents of vapers. The Orange HCAT is a collaboration of organizations, agencies, and community members dedicated to youth obesity prevention in Orange County. It is made possible with funding from the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth.

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2024 Orange County Holiday Schedule

New Year ’ s Day - Monday, January 1 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Monday, January 15 George Washington Day - Monday, February 19 James Madison ’ s Birthdate (Observed) - Friday, March 15 Memorial Day - Monday, May 27 Juneteenth - Wednesday, June 19 Independence Day - Thursday, July 4 Labor Day - Monday, September 2 Columbus Day & Yorktown Victory Day - Monday, October 14 Election Day - Tuesday, November 5 Veterans Day - Monday, November 11 Noon Closure for Thanksgiving - Wednesday, November 27 Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 28 Day After Thanksgiving* - Friday, November 29 *Landfill & Collection Sites Open Christmas Eve* - Tuesday, December 24 *Landfill & Collection Sites Open Until Noon Christmas Day - Wednesday, December 25 This holiday schedule is subject to change and applies only to those County Government offices under the purview of the Orange County Personnel Policy Manual. Some offices may follow alternate schedules, such as the Landfill and Collection Sites. Public safety departments (Sheriff ’ s Office, COFEMS, E911) remain available 24/7. The Board of Supervisors may grant additional holidays, under special circumstances, throughout the year. County employees will be notified of additional holidays after they are officially granted.

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Frequently Asked Questions for Orange County Staff

By: Jenna Wedding, Payroll Accountant, Orange County Finance Department

Q: When will I receive my W - 2?

A: W - 2 ’ s will be postmarked to employees ’ mailing address on file and available electronically in Employee Self Service (ESS) by January 31.

Q: My mailing address has changed. What should I do to ensure I receive my W - 2?

A: Please update your address in ESS. If you ’ re unable to access ESS, please notify Jenna Wedding as soon as possible at

Q: What does “ Transfer In/Out ” mean in “ My Requests ” under “ Time Off ” in ESS (example shown below)?

A: At the end of each calendar year, we roll forward your Annual and Sick Leave balances from the prior year to the current year. Our financial software creates a record of that process which is reflected as Transfer In/Out in ESS.

Q: Why do my hours Earned and Hours Used balances look so high on my 1/19/2024 paystub? A: This is also due to the roll forward of your Annual and Sick Leave balances from the prior year to the current year. To carryover hours from the prior year, our software “ uses ” the total leave balance on December 31 and “ earns ” the total leave balance on January 1. The earned column also includes your earned accruals from the pay periods related to the January 5 and January 19 pay dates. Below is a sample.

Q: Do Part - time employees receive Sick Leave?

A: YES! Per Policy 5.2A , part - time permanent employees with a standard work week between 20 and 30 hours accrue 1.85 hours each pay date if they work at least 40 hours during the 2 - week pay period.

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31 years, Rita Fleming, Social Services

3 years, Brennan Tanner, Library

18 years, Nelson Seale, Fire & EMS

2 years, Joseph Freeze, Public Works

24 years, April Clark, Fire & EMS

2 years, Brian Keys, Public Works

21 years, Donna Ellis, Public Works

2 years, Evan Baker, Sheriff's Office

20 years, Tammy Corbin, Commonwealth Attorney

2 years, Stephen Coyle, Sheriff's Office

20 years, Jason Smith, Sheriff's Office

2 years, Porter Preston, Fire & EMS

18 years, Carol Wold, Library

2 years, Patrick Cobb, Fire & EMS

17 years, Bryan McFarlane, Sheriff's Office

2 years, Ashley Lilly, Fire & EMS

15 years, Bryan Seal, Sheriff's Office

2 years, Charles Waddle, Fire & EMS

12 years, Shannon Dickson, Sheriff's Office

2 years, Anna Shultz, Emergency Communications

14 years, Larry Clement, Information Technology

2 years, Bayleigh Carpenter - Smith, Emergency Communications 2 years, Julie Perry, Economic Development & Tourism

13 years, Patricia Keister, Library

13 years, Thomas Waddy, Sheriff's Office

12 years, Kristie Hicks, Social Services

8 years, Stephen Boyer, Parks & Recreations

2 years, Kalina Moore, Social Services

7 years, Walter Orzechowski, Landfill

1 year, Ada Vanderhoof, Animal Shelter

6 years, Kimberly Downin, Social Services

1 year, Jamie Bates, Animal Shelter

5 years, Stephen Haney, Public Works

1 year, Jennifer McGuire, Human Resources

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Administrative Assistant - Circuit Court Clerk ’ s Office Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Community Paramedic County Assessor Deputy Clerk to the Board/Senior Administrative Assistant Deputy Sheriff Deputy Treasurer I - Customer Service Specialist Emergency Communications Officer Family Services Specialist II - In Home Practice Family Services Specialist IV - APS/CPS Hybrid Firefighter/Medic Information Technology Technician Sanitation Collection Driver

Assistant Registrar Child Care Lead Teacher - LGPS Child Care Teacher - LGPS Child Care Teacher Assistant - GBES Child Care Teacher Assistant - LGPS FAPT Coordinator

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2023 County Cup Comes to Dramatic Conclusion, New Contest Begins at Employee Wellness Expo!

By: Tim Moubray, Director, Orange County Parks & Recreation

As 2023 came to close so did our inaugural County Cup! Attached are the results of the “ JOEpardy, With Your Host, Joe Falin ” and the Final Leaderboard. A YouTube video recap is also available. The first big jump came on Wednesday, December 20, around noon. Team Public Works, despite only having three players, had increased their point total from 67.5 to 83, with one question to go. They hit the John Daly Double, wagered it all, and won big. The question was, “ In Mean Girls, what was the song in the talent show? ” Autumn Pembleton correctly answered, “ Jingle Bell Rock!!!! ”, and the room went crazy. They doubled their score to end at 166 and temporarily took first place. Team DSS had their shot around 4:00 that same afternoon. They started at 121.83 and, with one question to go, stood at 153. Not

knowing what any of the other teams had done, they decided to go big with the 15 point question in Holiday Potpourri, unaware that this was actually the only question they could have chosen to pass 166. Joe and I did, though, and we could hardly hide the anticipation. The question was, “ What is the name of the warm, round jelly donut served during Hannukah? ”. The answer: Sufganiyot. Had they gotten it correct, they would have scored 168, and had an opportunity for 5 bonus points it they could spell it. Unfortunately, they were not able to come up with the correct answer and dropped back into second place at 138…. for now. Thursday morning at 10:30, the Ops Team, consisting of Stephanie Straub, Jayson Woods, Rosanna Zamudio, and Karen Gibson, chose to play the blue board over the red board, and then choose all higher point questions, and correctly answered them all, plus bonuses, through nine questions. They had increased their point total from 55.5 to 152, with one with question remaining and without hitting a John Daly Double. They debated on going safe or going big and Jayson said “ We ’ re all in. ” They also choose the 15 point question in Holiday Potpourri, also not knowing it was their only chance to win, and also causing Joe and I internal stress. The question was, “ Who composed the music for The Nutcracker? ”. Stephanie correctly said Tchaikovsky. They were not able to correctly spell it for the bonus, but they had already overtaken the lead with 167. If DSS had been able to pull out “ Sufganiyot, ” the final scores would have been 168, 167, 166…. without anyone knowing where others stood. It was definitely exciting for Joe and I, and we hope our staff had some fun, too. We recently presented the big cup to the Ops Team. They will get the big cup to possess and display for the year, and have their name on it for eternity. We also have smaller first, second, and third place trophies for our top three teams to keep. We ’ d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated this year, and those who had to gather their coworkers to play. We hope you had as much fun playing as we did hosting. The teamwork and camaraderie was amazing, not to mention seeing the competitive side of some of you. We look forward to bringing Orange County employees another year of fun and exciting contests, beginning at the Orange County Employee Wellness Expo on Wednesday, January 17, at the Orange County Airport!

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Citizens Ask...

Q: How can I receive information about activities for my kids? A : Visit and sign up for “ Youth Program Notifications. ” You can elect to receive alerts about programs by email, text, or both. We ’ ve created a YouTube video with instructions to help you sign up. Learn more on page 14 of this issue. Q: How do I get a 911 address? A : Orange County does not issue 911 addresses to vacant land. When you apply for your building permit to build a dwelling, you will put the driveway in and mark the four corners of the new home, then call Building & Development Services (540) 672 - 4574, and they will come and do GPS coordinates to assign the 911 address.

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Upcoming Orange County Meetings

Board of Supervisors

Planning Commission

• Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024, 5:00 p.m.

• Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m. Economic Development Authority • Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, 5:30 p.m. at 109 West Main Street, Orange, VA 22960

Public Comment during this Meeting

• Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, 5:00 p.m.

Unless otherwise noted, listed meetings are held at: Board of Supervisors ’ Meeting Room Orange County Public Safety Building 11282 Government Center Drive, Orange, VA 22960

This information is for reference only and subject to change. Specific information about hearing topics and schedules will be available in that meeting ’ s agenda packet when published. Agendas can be accessed in the online Agenda Center. Please note that due to the monthly publication schedule of this newsletter, it is possible that some upcoming public hearings may not be listed. Pursuant to the applicable section of the Code of Virginia, notices for all public hearings will be posted in our newspaper of circulation (The Orange County Review) at least seven days prior to the hearing date, or as required by code.

Capt. Bryan Seal

Get to know Orange County staff... The Personnel File:

Sheriff ’ s Office Operations Captain

Captain Seal has worked for the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Office for fifteen years. During that time, technology has changed the way the Office operates significantly, from writing paper reports to today ’ s remote electronic capabilities. Seal says he ’ s hopeful for even more improvements, especially those related to education and outreach, on the horizon. Despite the long career in law enforcement, when he was kid his dream was “ to ride on the back of a trash collection truck in the Town of Orange, ”

Juanesta Williams

Support Technician

because he always thought it was so cool when it drove by. We ’ re pleased to report that he was able to accomplish that goal as a summer job during his high school and college years. While he has served the community in a variety of ways, Bryan says the connecting theme has always been “ trying to make a difference in someone ’ s life, whether it ’ s a member of the public or a coworker. ” Captain Seal continues that trend outside of duty hours by coaching wrestling. He started wrestling when he was in kindergarten, and continued through high school and college. His time as a School Resource Officer got him back into the sport, and he ’ s grateful to have the opportunity to introduce wrestling to young folks and help them improve. Work, coaching, and family life keep him “ going, going, going. ” Perhaps that ’ s why he says his preferred superpower would be having endless energy and never needing to rest. We thank you for your tireless service, Capt. Seal!

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Orange County Communications Department 112 W. Main Street P.O. Box 111 Orange, VA 22960


Meet Poseiden

Our handsome senior Poseiden was surrendered to us due to his family no longer being able to care for him. Poseiden is a very sweet and affectionate boy. He can be selective with other dogs so he may be best as the only dog. He CANNOT live with cats or in a home that has outdoor cats. He previously lived with older kids and did well with them. He keeps his kennel clean and loves his treats!! Poseiden is a 9 1/2 year old pitbull looking for a family that enjoys leisurely walks and spending time with him. He is neutered, vaccinated, tested and microchipped. We have brought him current on monthly preventatives. If interested, please visit, and complete the new online - based Pet Pre - Adoption Application.

Find your new best friend at the

Visit us on Facebook Find Adoptable Pets (540) 672 - 1124 Directions: 11362 Porter Road Orange VA 22960

Orange County Animal Shelter

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