Orange County Insight January 2024

Frequently Asked Questions for Orange County Staff

By: Jenna Wedding, Payroll Accountant, Orange County Finance Department

Q: When will I receive my W - 2?

A: W - 2 ’ s will be postmarked to employees ’ mailing address on file and available electronically in Employee Self Service (ESS) by January 31.

Q: My mailing address has changed. What should I do to ensure I receive my W - 2?

A: Please update your address in ESS. If you ’ re unable to access ESS, please notify Jenna Wedding as soon as possible at

Q: What does “ Transfer In/Out ” mean in “ My Requests ” under “ Time Off ” in ESS (example shown below)?

A: At the end of each calendar year, we roll forward your Annual and Sick Leave balances from the prior year to the current year. Our financial software creates a record of that process which is reflected as Transfer In/Out in ESS.

Q: Why do my hours Earned and Hours Used balances look so high on my 1/19/2024 paystub? A: This is also due to the roll forward of your Annual and Sick Leave balances from the prior year to the current year. To carryover hours from the prior year, our software “ uses ” the total leave balance on December 31 and “ earns ” the total leave balance on January 1. The earned column also includes your earned accruals from the pay periods related to the January 5 and January 19 pay dates. Below is a sample.

Q: Do Part - time employees receive Sick Leave?

A: YES! Per Policy 5.2A , part - time permanent employees with a standard work week between 20 and 30 hours accrue 1.85 hours each pay date if they work at least 40 hours during the 2 - week pay period.

Page 32 | January 2024

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