King's Business - 1939-04


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Life in Migrant Camps •

Bible Institute Plans an Evangelistic Mission to Dust-Bowl Derelicts STUDENTS TO SPEND VACATION IN ONE OF NATION’S

GREATEST MISSION FIELDS “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23.

In California’s prairie slums lies a great challenge. “Squatting” in ragged tents beside the road, living in crude tin shacks in fields, lying uncovered beneath the trees, huddled in gipsy camps and community motor courts, or living in thirty-nine state relief camps, is an estimated population of one million migrants (Los Angeles T im es) who are eking out a precarious existence with­ out home or hope.

Dying—And Without The W ord o f God

A Golden Opportunity for Christian Work

The camp population offers a very real opportunity for Christian work. Men out of employment are in a mood to review their own lives and to listen to the Scriptures when God’s Word is presented in a spirit of humble com­ passion. Decisions thus made are for eternity.


meeting with singing of old-fashioned hymns and the presentation of the old- fashioned gospel message. All the members of the student teams will give special atten­ tion to personal work throughout each day. They will make earnest attempts to secure definite decisions. The distribution of Gos­ pels, Testaments, and tracts will be an im­ portant feature at each meeting. The students plan to keep careful records and to organize the whole campaign on a thoroughly systematic basis. An Appeal for Your Cooperation Money is urgently needed for beginning this work at the close of the Institute’s spring term on June 8. The young men will travel by cars and will sleep in trailers, when these can be provided. Thus easy movement from one migrant section to another will be facilitated. It is hoped that $3,000 may be raised to launch this venture. This sum must be paid or pledged without delay, and Institute students are praying daily that God will move upon the hearts of His stewards to aid in this work. Trailers and cars are as useful as money, but cash is essential for the purchase of tracts and Testamehts and for the unavoidable expenses of travel. It has been decided to call the fund set apart for this work the MIGRANT MIS­ SION FUND, and to accept cash or pledges based on a five-months’ basis, thus-enabling the whole sum to be collected between April 1 and September 1, 1939. Will you please make this Work a matter of special prayer, and if possible, add your pledge or gift at once? The number of teams will be de­ pendent upon the amount received for this purpose.

Bible Institute Students to Supply Need

Young men students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have volunteered to go out in gospel teams, four in each team, organ­ ized for preaching and singing. The work will be under the supervision of the Direc­ tor of Practical Work, S. H. Sutherland. An experienced instrumentalist in each group will aid in presenting the gospel mes­ sage in music. These team members will hold services and will go to deal with individuals in their roadside hovels as well as in the organized camps of the State Relief Administration. In this desolation of poverty and despair, they will present the Word of God to bring hope to the hopeless and life to the dying. “Man’s Extremity Is God’s Opportunity” The students will work in line with a defi­ nite plan. Each morning they will hold Bible classes for the mothers and other residents in the camp itself, with the object of stirring memories toward other and better days when the church was the heart and center of the community life. In the after­ noon there will be Child Evangelism meet­ ings with special services for the young people, and in the evening, a big gospel

A Fertile Field for Child Evangelism iMLUMttS,

Many Mothers Must Live Like This. What If It Were Your Mother?

M I G R A N T M I S S I O N F UND BIB LE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA O I am enclosing $ my gift to the MIGRANT MISSION FUND which you are establishing. □ I will pledge $.......................................monthly for five months beginning April I, 1939, to the MIGRANT MISSION FUND that you are organizing. O I will donate the use of an automobile or trailer for your work among California migrants.

Name................____............................................................;......................_......... Street...........................................................„..r............tyt.;!,.','__________________



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