King's Business - 1939-04



April. 1939

devout Christian men. I myself have been in the Cabinet forty-seven years, and dur­ ing all that time I have been associated with sixty of the chief intellects of the cen­ tury. I can but think of five of those sixty who did not profess the Christian religion, but those five men respected it. We may talk about questions of the day here and there, but there is only one question, and that is how to apply the gospel to all cir­ cumstances and conditions.’ ”— 1,000 Acts and Facts, by P ickerin g . All the Children of the World R om an s 1:1-17; 3:21-30; 5:1-11; 10:11-15 Memory Verse; “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Lk. 18:16). Approach: Today we are going to study another of the letters which God caused Paul to write. It is here in my Bible. This letter Paul wrote to some people whom he had never seen but whom he planned to

SHOE REPAIRING Any Description Made Same as New — Reasonable Priee LEGION SHOE SERVICE 624 W . 6 th, Los Angeles • Phone VA-9814 formerly with Weatherby Kayser Shoe Co., L. A. French, Snriner and Urner, N. Y. C. Students only Special . . . Best Soles _____ ___ .......75c pair Great Britain and Ireland next July 1 to August 7. For full particulars apply to PASTOR JAMES INGLES 445——15th St., Brooklyn, New York BEAUTIFUL NEW 7939 DOEHLA 14-Folder Every Day Assortment of Greeting Cards* Assortment includes 6 Birthday Cards, 3 Get Well Cards, 1 Good Cheer Card, 1 General Congratulation, 1 Birth Congratulation, 2 Sympathy Cards. Postpaid Price $1.00. THE BENTON COMPANY _____ _________ LIB ER TY , N. Y . Keswick Convention Tour to

SUNDAY SCHOOL Jjterature Q U A R T E R L I E S and P A P E R S following the Int. Uniform Lesson Topics A free sample pacl( with catalogue sent on request to any Sunday School official. Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059 :: :: Cleveland, Ohio

visit. They were the Christians who lived in Rome, the great capital city of the Roman Empire. L e s s o n S t or y: Rome was a city in which all sorts of people lived. There were rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, c le v e r people and

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Mr. Moody once said of the “THREE-FOLD SECRET OF

Every Day Greetings —new, attractive with worthwhile sentiments, many with Bible Texts,—in great variety of artistic settings,—comforting, en­ couraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing. Birthday, etc.,— the type of greetings Christian people are looking for.



that “It is one of the two best books in existence on the subject.** Sent free on request to anyone who will write for it. SILVER PUBLISHING COMPANY Dept. K, 423 Bessemer Building • Pittsburgh, Pa.

Easter Greetings — Christian sentiments, mostly with Bible Texts,—dainty, appropriate decorations. Cards that are different—not found in stores— Boxed and Unboxed—good profit, no investment necessary. Write early for free Catalog and attrac­ tive Sale Plans. Pease Greeting Cards, Inc. 264 Laurel Street Dept. K Buffalo, N. Y. “Yes.” The Bible says, “Owe no man any­ thing.” Here are bills from the telephone com­ pany and the gas company, and they are marked “PAID.” Here is a very small bill. It is less than a dollar. It is for the morn­ ing paper. Are small bills supposed to be paid the same as large ones? "Yes, we should pay our debts, whatever the amount is.” Well, this last bill is not paid. It Is for taxes, and is much larger than any of the other bills. What would happen if I did not pay this bill? “Your property would be sold to pay it.” , Yes, the tax bill must be paid. In look­ ing at this unpaid bill, I am reminded of a debt the Apostle Paul had to pay. Can any of you boys and girls remember what it was? This was not a bill, but a debt. He said, "I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise” (Rom. 1:14). Paul was not meaning that he owed these people money. He meant that he ought to give them the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was willing to give his life in order that he might pay this debt. You and I who know Christ as Saviour are debtors to those who have never heard the gospel. I am wondering whether we, like Paul, are willing to say, “I am debtor,” and "I am ready.”

slaves. How Paul wanted to preach the gospel to them! But It was many years be­ fore he could make the journey; so he wrote this letter to them. He wrote the let­ ter for all these different kinds of people to read. First he talks to the Gentiles and then to the Jews. Then he talks to people who thought themselves pretty good, and then to ones who knew that they were wicked. To all of these people he says the same thing. This is what he says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Paul had no other message but this—to carry the good news of the gospel to every one who would listen. This message—of the Lord Jesus’ death for our sins, and of His living again—is be­ ing carried around the world today. Min­ isters preach this gospel in the churches, and missionaries carry it to the people far away, and you and I can tell it to our friends each day. This was the message which Jesus told His followers to go into all the world to preach. Object Lesson I. O. U. Objects: Several bills marked "PAID,” and one unpaid. Lesson: Are people supposed to pay their bills?

6ìve GL/MPSES"fPAULtoTrachtrs myourSunday Schoo^andpupUs Inytur e/aaa.—Costi so little at oor rery special prlet, —6 i* r $/&£' ¿¿ss thon 6, at ZSy rack. zAdeljyht-fvl Uffle. AfiCOf ■M ohthly : ¿OTHERAN— "Jÿith /sthtcM m - GOtUPpu/OH- w a n t w o r d ! E vangelical ~j\iotJust another B eacon : bioyphphy“ BSÿiOAYSCHOOL-^Jpvll o f urexpect- T im e s : &dspiritu al ¿ n e w " RING'S — '6lìtnpses-;inormad/nitnP JB ms /NESS: McdprrWSoct-, but co*iprche£fi\kC?oiu'inc.hlSbr,ei Satisfaction-ir/loney Bac/e, (îljristia n p e r u k e ÿ r e s s RO. boa 174 K notine, m .


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MRS. R. A. GREEN Proprietor 605 SOUTH FLOW ER STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIF. One block west of Bible Institute Soliciting He business of particular Christians

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