King's Business - 1939-04

April, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


degree at least, until he has consolidated his control in Europe. The Fuehrer has never made any secret of his design to take over the rich Ukraine. However, to accomplish this end by war against the Soviet Union would involve "a long, ex­ pensive, and hazardous campaign.” As Mr. Wolfe says, “Such a struggle would re­ quire every ounce of German energy; it would preclude for years to come any ma­ jor trans-Atlantic military expedition by the Reich.” While war would exhaust both nations, a peaceful accord between Russia and Ger­ many would combine and conserve their military strength for an advance against the rest of the world. The dream of both Nazi- ism and Communism is world control, and the determination to achieve that goal may drive the two systems together. Two months ago, most observers would concede that this outcome was merely a possibility. Today, many of them will grant that it is approaching the relative certainty of a probability. Plaques, Mottoes, Greetings, Books and hundreds of fine specialty items for Christian workers all listed in our new 180-page catalog. Write for your copy today. Also ask for free sample of Higley's Pocket S. S. Quarterly. Tens of thousands of people now use them. Agents wanted. THE HIGLEY PRESS Dept, KB________ »________ »________ Butler* Ind. Choir C Pu lp it ffU ” HI3

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V IEW S AND REV IEW S [Continued from page 135]

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control and direction of most of the avenues through which youth receives “in­ tellectual enlightenment.”

GOD IN SECOND PLACE! Under the collectivist system, the material is elevated over the spiritual, the temporal takes pre­ cedence over the eternal, the government is exalted above God. The Almighty is rele­ gated to a secondary place. The modem tendency, especially in our schools, to subordinate God in the thinking of the young is manifest on all sides. The preceding paragraph supplies one evidence. Another is seen in the poll of 50,000 school children, between the ages of 6 and 16, un­ dertaken by the Boys’ Athletic League of New York. According to the Associated Press, both boys and girls “voted” God the rank of "second best loved” Personality in the world. First choice, of both groups, was President Roosevelt! On their “hate list,” the students placed Hitler first, Mus­ solini second, and "the devil” third. NAZI-SOVIET ENTENTE? S e v e r a l months ago, this department of T he K ing ’ s B u sin ess gave evidences of the fact that secular observers are beginning to realize what Bible prophecy students have known all along—that Germany and Russia will eventually “get together.” The last two months have seen more and more "predic­ tions,” on the part of international com­ mentators, that some sort of accord will soon be cemented between the two nations. Space forbids a listing of all of the foreign observers who have indicated the likelihood of a development of this kind. One of the more outstanding is Henry C. Wolfe. Writing in Harper s for Feb­ ruary, 1939, he suggests that the world must now face the “dramatic possibility” of “a new German-Soviet entente.” Such a development, he says, must always "be kept in mind.” Mr. Wolfe points out that a Nazi-Soviet pact would “speed up the Hit­ ler expansion time-table sensationally.” His article is entitled, "Before Hitler Grosses the Atlantic,” Obviously, whatever plans Hitler may have for extending his control to the West­ ern Hemisphere will be held up, to some


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