King's Business - 1939-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1939

^ to- Wheaton (¡Cottcae O V E R 1100 Christian young peo pie from 46 states and 13 foreign countries enrolled in Wheaton this year. The drawing power of Wheaton is an excellent testimony to its emphasis on Christian living. It’s motto and keynote is, “For Christ and His Kingdom. ^ for bulletin* R a i s e M O N E Y . . . E a s i l y There is no surer, easier or more pleasant way to raise needed funds for churches or clubs than with the aid of our co-operative plan. Women everywhere accept Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponge as the foremost metal scouring device. They buy this time and labor saver without hesitation. A sale is made almost every call. In the past 20 years we have assisted thousands of organizations to raise money. We will be delighted to help you. Write for particulars. METAL SPONGE SALES CORPORATION, Phila­ delphia, Penna. Gottschalk’s METAL SPONGE I, * Summer School opens June 17th Fall term begins September 9th A d d re ss Registrar, Box KB 439 WHEATON COLLEGE, WHEATON, ILLINO IS Combine service and profit by selling the popular “Sunshine Line” in your locality. Real opportunity with unrestricted territory. Full or part time. Start now. Most Complete Religious Line Never before such a generous offer. Full line includes new 1939 Christmas and Everyday Scripture-Text Greeting Card Assortments, “Bit-O’-Sunshine” Plaques, Bible-Text Stationery, Seals and Tags, Calendars,. Bibles and good Books including Egermeier’s BIBLE STORY BOOK. New liberal commissions. Write nearer office fpr details of new plan and illustrated catalog—a surprise awaits you! GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY, Dept. 0 Sacramento, California Andorson, Indiana Rev. Chester Hastings AVAILABLE FOR EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGNS “Sermons Dealing W ith the Tim es” Large Prophetic Chart Used in Services OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS Address Box 116 Prospect, Pa.

NOTES on Christian Endeavor By M A R Y G . G O O D N E R

asking him to officiate at his brother’s funeral. "Let me see,” said Mr. Roltman, “your brother was thirty-two years old?” "Yes.” “He worked hard for twenty years, didn’t he?” "Yes.” “Well, what did he get out of it?” “He left eighty acres of fine land, money in the bank, and $3,000 in insurance.” “Yes, that's what you get out of it, but what did he get out of it?” “W e are going to get him a $115 oak casket .”—Christian Endeavor World. II. T h e F low ers and t h e R iver Do not let the material eclipse the spirit­ ual. “The lotus flowers are not the Nile,” says the Oriental proverb. The flowers are very beautiful as they fringe the river, as they shine on its bosom, but they are not the river; they are not the source of the bread men eat; they satisfy no thirst; they are charming, but they are not the Nile. So the natural or physical must not be al­ lowed to eclipse the spiritual in which it lives and holds together. — W . L. W a tkin so n . III. A ids fo r t h e M eetin g The leader will find it helpful to send to the Silver Publishing Society, Dept. K, 423 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa., for copies of the leaflets, "The God-Planned Life,” and “The Dedicated Life,” by James H. McConkey. Single copies of Mr. Mc- Conkey’s books and booklets are sent free to any individual who will write personally to ask for them by title. MAY 14, 1939 WHEN IS A HOME CHRISTIAN? (Mother’s Day) C o lo ssian s 3:12-21; E ph esia n s 4:31, 32 Meditation on the Lesson “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me,” said our Lord. "Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.” While it is the penitent acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour that makes one a Christian, it is the fruit of obedience to Him that evidences that per­ son’s right to the title of "Christian.” So we may infer that the answer to the ques­ tion, “When is a home Christian?” may be, "When its members are obedient to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” In His Word, God gives practical, indi­ vidual, definite commands which leave every one without excuse. "Wives, sub­ mit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” “Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.” "Children, obey your parents in all things: foj- this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.”

MAY 7, 1939 BEING CHR ISTIAN IN MY LIFE WORK D eu tero n o m y 10:12-14; 1 T im o th y 6:6-12 Meditation on the Lesson Men and women in every generation— and especially young people—are con­ cerned about the requirements for a suc­ cessful life. God’s Word is plain: "And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, to keep the commandments of the Lord, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?” If every Christian had a definite pur­ pose to obey each instruction in the above "fear the Lord,” “walk in all his ways,” “lov e him,” and "serve the Lord thy God,” each one would manifest his Lord in his life work. The “fear” of the Lord in Old Testament usage refers to reverential trust in God, and is a beautiful foreshadowing of New Testament Christian faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. The resolve to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleas­ ing” (Col. 1:10) may result in the Chris­ tian’s being called of God into so-called "full-time service” for Him. However, if this is not the outcome, one must not con­ clude that he is failing to serve God in such a way as to glorify Him. To be in the place of God’s appointment, in His direc­ tive will, is the Christian’s primary concern. And no work is “secular” to the conse­ crated Christian, for every task he per­ forms, whether in industry, business, pro­ fessional life, or in the actual giving forth of God’s Word, is to be done as unto the Lord Jesus Christ. John Wanamaker, Colgate, Howard A. Kelly, Henry Crowell, Lyman and Milton Stewart, and scores of others, living and dead, are illustrious examples of Christians who have given God first place in their life work. William Carey said, “I am a missionary first, but I cobble shoes to pay expenses.” Would that more Christians could catch his vision! Paul, recognizing the danger of self- seeking, warns us in our passage in Timo­ thy: "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare . . . For the love of money is the root of all evil.” Dr. Jowett says very pertinently, “A man’s devotion is apt to dwindle as he becomes more suc­ cessful. Our piety does not keep pace with our purse. Absorption in bounty makes us forgetful of the Giver. W e can be so con­ cerned in the pasturage that the Shepherd is forgotten.” Helps for the Leader I. T h e P roduct o f T w e n t y Y ears A young man came to H. H. Roltman

BE A NURSE MAKE $25-$35 A WEEK You can learn practical nursing at home in spare time. Course endorsed by physi­ cians. Thousands of graduates. 44th vr One graduate has charge of 10-bed hos­ pital. Another saved $400 while learn­

ing. Equipment included. Men and women 18 to 60. High School not required. Easy tuition payments. Write now. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept 524» , 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, III. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name_______ ________ — ---------------------------------------------------- City____________ _________________ - State-------------Age--------

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