King's Business - 1939-04

April, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


HA V E Y O U L O S T YOUR I N S U R A N C E ? ^ We provide Benevolent Death Benefits for Christian people ages 2 to 65. Ask for information. Special encouragement to Pastors and Christian workers. DIRECTED BY CHRISTIAN MEN E. H. Rettig, President, Benevolent Societies, 4031 Francis Ave., Seattle, Wash.

"Fathers, provoke not your children to an­ ger, lest they be discouraged.” Even the servant problem has not been forgotten, for there is this exhortation, "Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh.” If all of these commands were obeyed perfectly, what an ideal home such a one would be! Our text in Ephesians 4:31, 32 sums up the ideal of Christian unity as the apostle describes the attitude of heart which should characterize all the members of the house­ hold of Christ: "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Into a home manifesting this spirit, Christ would enter as a welcome Guest. Nay, rather, He is there the Head of the house—indwelling each believer and living through them His patience, His forbear­ ance, and His love. On Mother's Day we rightly stress the importance of the Christian mother in the home. But it is important to remember, as our meeting topic and Scripture lesson sug­ gest, that the Christian father is, in the plan of God and under His direction, to be the spiritual leader, the “priest” of the home. When Christ is the acknowledged Head of any home, as He should be in all homes that lay claim to being Christian, practices that are truly Christian are emphasized. Attendance at church on Sundays and at week-day prayer meetings, Christian En­ deavor meetings, and S u n d a y -sch o o l classes becomes the natural habit of mem­ bers of the family group. A family altar is established and maintained, private devo­ tions are encouraged, and of course the blessing is asked before meals. Christ is thus recognized as present always. Then, too, a Christian home is revealed by the books, magazines, music, radio programs, and amusements it offers. W e cannot be too careful here. Finally, a Christian home is one where Romans 12:10—“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love: in honor preferring one another”—is the ideal for each one to follow. Many years ago, when Dr. Meyer was addressing a conference in the Dome Brigh­ ton, he spied among the audience, Dr. and Mrs. Handley G. C. Moule. Dr. Moule was detained in conversation at the close of the meeting, and Dr. Meyer as he walk­ ed out with Mrs. Moule, remarked to her, “W e have all reason to be deeply grateful to your husband for his books.” The reply was a beautiful tribute from a wife to her husband, “I have seen every one of those books lived.” —Christian Herald. II. A C h ild ’ s D iscern m en t A woman and her little daughter were in a service in which the preacher spoke about how obedience toward God is re­ vealed in the manner in which one attends to the small duties of everyday life. He Helps for the Leader I. B o o ks T h a t H ave B een L ived

Spend Next Summer’s Vacation with some of Amer- ica’s Greatest Theological Teachers.

Winona Lake School of Theology, Winona Lake, Indiana For M inisters, Teachers, M issionaries, Sunday School W orkers A Laymen Courses leading to Regular Theological Degrees, Cost Reasonable July 11 to August 16 # Two Term s 15 Days Each • Interdenominational Evangelical Faith and High Scholarship Combined SO Free Rooms Dr. W. E. Biederwolf, Director (Ask for free Prospectus) Dr. J. A. Huffman, Dean, Marlon, lad.

The Jrienfa Israel Refugee Relief Committee . . . Apeal . . On Rehalf of German Jewry Their backs are bowed under a heavier burden than men and women can bear for long without breaking. Their faces are sad with the thoughts of a future that is filled with terror and c ru e lty and p itiless persecution. And

yet was suffering ever more bravely borne than by those men and women of German Jewry? P a tien tly they are living amidst the ruins of all they had most dear— their life, at best, a thing of shreds and patches. They are look­ ing to C h r is tian s daily for help. One million and a half Hebrew Ch ristian s are in

President: Joseph M. Steele Vice-President: Frederic M. Paist Secretary: Joseph Taylor Britan, D.D. Treasurer: Allan Sutherland

Co-operative Committee: Archer E. Anderson, George W. Arms, D.D., Louis A. Bauman, D.D., Lome H. Belden, Paul L. Berman, William Biederwolf, D.D., Joseph Taylor Britan, D.D., Lewis Sperry Chafer, D.D., G. Allan Fleece, D.D., Norman B . Harrison, D.D., W ill Houghton, D.D., Philip E. Howard, LL.D., Harry A. Ironside, D.D., Albert Sidney Johnson, D.D., Clarence E. Macartney, D.D., Mark A. Matthews, D.D., Walter E. McClure, D.D., John H. McComb, D.D., Stewart P. Mac- Lennan, D.D., Robert C. McQuilkin, D.D., Frederic M. Paist, Bussell Paynter, D .D ., T. Rowland Philips, D.D., Harry Rimmer, D.D., T. Edward Boss, Wilbur M. Smith, D.D., Joseph M. Steele, Allan Sutherland, Charles G. Trumbull, Litt.D.

need. Christian Friend! Only you can help. Your con­ tributions are the means by which they can escape. By emigration their shattered hopes shall be built up again. (jiile (jenemtAlif that our work may not be in vain

SEND GIFTS TO ALLAN SUTHERLAND, Treasurer 710 K Witherspoon Building » » Philadelphia, Pa.

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