King's Business - 1939-04

April, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


described how many parents neglect their spiritual duties in the home; how they re­ tire night after night without praying for God’s watchful care, and how in the morn­ ing they fail to thank Him for rest, protec­ tion, and the new blessings of the new day. The little girl listened attentively. Then turning to her mother, she whispered, “Mama, is the minister talking about you?” The simple question pierced the mother’s heart. She said nothing, but that night she knelt before her bed, confessed her sin, and asked God’s help in carrying out her duties as a Christian mother. — A q u illa W e b b .

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MANKIND L u k e 6:27-38 Meditation on the Lesson

This third Sunday of May has been designated as “World Goodwill Day” in celebration of the founding of The Hague Tribunal which was formed to perpetuate world peace. World peace is one of the most discus­ sed and most ardently longed for object- tives in the world today. On almost every university and college campus, students are earnestly advocating peace programs, are seeking to outlaw war, and are rebelling against military training. These young people are deeply in earnest, and every Christian sympathizes truly with their de­ sires. But the only way to achieve true and universal goodwill among men is to accept Christ’s plan and program as enjoined in the Word of God. The verbs in the passage for our lesson are all in the imperative mood, and, spoken with the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, they come to us with real force. Obeyed, they would bring absolute goodwill; disre­ garded, as they are, they stand as a rebuke to the selfishness of a war-tom, hate-filled world. The Lord Jesus Christ is "The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9 :6 ); He and He only can bring peace. In the present dispensation, He will bring peace to the heart of every one who will trust in His saving grace. Not until the fullness of time has come, and the prophecies relating to sinning mankind as a whole are fulfilled, will He return as King to set up a reign of peace and righteousness —but that day surely will come. In the meantime, the enjoyment of any measure of peace among men and women is dependent upon obedience to the Lord’s injunctions. He states the requirements for peace so that we are without excuse: "L ov e your ene­ mies." "Bless them that curse you.” " Give to every man that asketh of thee.” “Judge not." The so-called "Golden Rule” em­ bodies all of these commands: "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” The world can never enjoy universal goodwill while there are those who have not been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. W e find the basis of this recon­ ciliation stated in 2 Corinthians 5:18-20: “And all things are of God, who hath rec­ onciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconcilia-


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