King's Business - 1939-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1939

A s y o u f a c e l i f e ’s s u n s e t

shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” “Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers;

Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours."

Helps for the Leader I. T h e S o le S o u rce o f P ow er

There is one inlet of power in the life— anybody’s life—any kind of power, just one inlet—the Holy Spirit. He is power. He is in every one who accepts Christ as Saviour. He comes in by our invitation and consent. His presence within is the vital thing.—S. D. G ordon . II. T r u t h s C oncerning t h e H oly S pirit It is a tragic fact that today many pro­ fessing Christians would have to say, “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost” (cf. Acts 19:2). And yet without Him no soul is born again (John 3:5, 6 ), and apart from His control no saved soul can live in a manner pleasing to God (Rom. 8:4, 5, 8, 9 ). It is signifi­ cant that outstanding writers on prayer, such as Andrew Murray and George Mul­ ler, devote much attention to the working of the Holy Spirit in the life of the one who really prays. Books rich in material on the Holy Spirit include W ho Is the Holy Spirit? by Henry W . Frost, and W hat the Bible Teaches, by R. A. Torrey. The following references, selected from among the many in the latter book, are helpful on certain phases of this subject: 1. Personality o f the H oly Spirit. (John 15:26: 16:7, 8, 13, 14; Acts 13:2; 16:6, 7; 20:28: 1 Cor. 2:10; Rev. 2 :7 ). 2. The Deity o f the Holy Spirit. Di­ vine attributes are ascribed to the Holy Spirit: eternal existence (Heb. 9:14 ), om­ nipresence (Psa. 139:7-10), omnipotence (Lk. 1:35), and omniscience (1 Cor. 2:10, 11: John 14:26: 16:12, 13). The Holy Spirit is called God (Acts 5:3, 4 ). 3. The W ork o f the Holy Spirit. (John 3:3-5; Rom. 8:2: Eph. 3:16; Rom. 8:16— R. V., "himself”: Gal. 5:22, 23; John 16: 13).—I. M. S. III. A n I n flu en c e or a P erson ? It is of the highest practical importance that we decide whether the Holy Spirit is a power that we in our weakness and igno­ rance are somehow to get hold of and use, or whether the Holy Spirit is a personal being infinitely wise, infinitely holy, infi­ nitely tender, who is to get hold of and use us. The one conception is heathenish, the other Christian. . . . The Holy Spirit is a person. Theoretically we may believe this. Do we in our real thought of Him, or in our practical attitude toward Him, treat Him as a person? Do we regard Him as indeed as real a person as Jesus Christ—as loving, wise and strong, as worthy of our confidence and love and surrender, as He? He came to be to the disciples, and to us, what Christ had been to them during the days of His personal companionship with them (John 14:16, 17).— W hat the Bible Teaches, by R. A. Torrey.

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