well as to the transcribed text. The adult has the option of edit- ing the text in places that the transcription may not have been accurate. However, the website will calculate a words per minute of voice recording speed. There are many hardware and software options available to students for multimedia-based voice recording, audio and vid- eo activities which can be fun and effective to show what they know. Students can participate in activities using a very wide va- riety of these voice activities, while still recording the voice on the assessment website, which then becomes part of the data of writing methods for that student.
Voice Recording
Voice recording is by far the quickest, easiest and most intu- itive method of independently recording information. When a child records their voice using a technology device, they are re- cording their speech. This is a voice file without text. Although the voice file can be transcribed at a later stage, this is specifical- ly a function where the child is talking without having to think about the text on the screen. The reason this is such a powerful and quick method of recording information is that the child can talk, using a very simple record button, and say anything they want without having to be concerned about whether the words are showing up correctly, if the spelling is correct, and also with- out having to place any emphasis on specific grammar or any of the other conventions for writing. Voice recording is one of the most powerful and yet one of the most underutilized methods for children to show what they know. Although this is not traditionally considered ‘writing’, it is one of the methods in which students can quickly become inde- pendent and show what they know, without relying on another person or on an adult scribing for them. Voice recording can be a prewriting strategy in itself. It can be an excellent brainstorming, discussion and thinking tool, stu- dents just press the “record” button and then talk. But apart from brainstorming, it can also be an effective writing tool. Students can still participate in all of the prewriting strategies, discussions and information gathering before writing, and then use voice recording as an actual method of writing. The student’s recorded voice is transcribed in the back- ground. As the student is talking, they do not see anything happening on the screen. This is by design since the aim is for the student to only be thinking about what they are wanting to write or record. Once the recording is done, and the student hits the “done” button, the voice recording is saved on the website and then is transcribed into text in the background. The teacher or therapist has access to the student’s actual voice recording, as
Child using Speech Recognition for Writing
If speech recognition is selected, these variables are provid- ed.
Speech Recognition
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