Test or Data Collection session: With speech recognition, the student dictates using one of the speech recognition systems selected (shown above), and as they dictate, the text appears on the screen. The website records time (and accuracy for copying exercises). The student can see the text and has the option of editing the text and making cor- rections as they are dictating, if needed. Differences between Voice Recording and Speech Recog- nition Although with both of these input methods, the student is dictating or using their voice, they are very different processes. Voice recording is an extremely simple technology. In most cases all the student needs to do is hit the “Record” button and start talking. All students of all ages and cognitive levels, even those with emergent verbal skills and those using augmentative communication devices to talk, can use voice recording very successfully for prewriting strategies as well as for writing. Speech recognition is a much more complex process cog- nitively as well as in terms of reading and writing. Although speech recognition has become widely available, and in many cases free, and accuracy has improved enormously, it can still be a challenging process for some students. Students watch the text appear as they dictate, and they need a complex set of skills for reading and editing the text as they are dictating. Providing a speech recognition system does not automatically help stu- dents become good writers, however, it can be a powerful tool, and when used within a structured and well-planned approach, it can be highly beneficial for some students. STUDENT WORK SAMPLES The following are work samples from one student, prior to a full evaluation for assistive technology needs. Note the differ- ence in speed, content and complexity of writing given different writing methods.
VOICE RECORDING (Student recorded this information with no support or pre- writing strategies)
LINK to audio file - https://www.closingthegap.com/media/ fprmedia/china.mp3
The Great Wall of China was built to protect the Chinese from the Mongol invasions during the Ching dynasty. The wall stretches from the Northeast coast of China 2000 miles to the Southwest coast. The wall took billions of people to build but it cost over a million lives in deaths. The wall is built is a single wall that covers the whole fences of China. There was originally a se- ries of smaller walls going all over China. The wall, 2000 years later, is falling apart because of erosion and neglection. The wall of China is an international symbol on foods and company sym- bols. The Mongols are the greatest horseback riders that ever existed. The wall is not build right on the border of China but in of the border at least on the modern border. 77.01 seconds 135 words ~105wpm SPEECH RECOGNITION Dictated using speech recognition (15 minutes after initial voice enrollment) with assistance for corrections: The Great Wall of China. It was built in the Ching Dynasty. The wall was built to protect the Chinese people from the Mongol in- vaders. The Great Wall of China took billions of people to build and millions died. The Great Wall of China took 14 years to build. The Great Wall of China 2000 years later is falling apart because the wall is being neglected and of tourists. A Great Wall of China was built from the north east coast to the southwest coast stretching 2000 miles. There was originally a series of walls. The Great Wall of China took 14 years to build the Mongol invaders were the greatest cavalry Army ever.
Grade: 9th
5 min 43 seconds
114 words
Speed in words per minute Typing = 9 words per minute
Voice Recording = 105 words per minute Speech Recognition = 21 words per minute
TYPING The grat wall of China was bilt by the emper Cin. The wall was to protick the china pepar From the Mogole invaters the best hous back army that ever existed. The grat Wall of china tuck bilyens of lives to belled and miluns war killed. 5 min 6 words ~9wpm
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