Joint Effort: Coronavirus

HOW CAN I KNOW I ’M SAFE IN YOUR CLINIC? We understand that there is a lot of fear and uncertainty during this time. However, we can assure you that we care taking the necessary steps to make sure our patients are as safe as possible while they are being treated at our clinic.

For starters, we will only be allowing 3 patients in our clinic at a time. This will limit the amount of people congregating in the same area at once and greatly decrease the risk of anyone passing any contagions to fellow patients. Additionally, we will be following strict sanitary protocols by making sure every surface in our clinic is thoroughly cleaned and wiped down with hospital-grade sanitizer at all times. This will decrease the risk of any potential germs lingering on surfaces. We are able to maintain social distancing, and are taking everyone’s temperature before they enter the clinic. Our staff will be wearing face masks for any personal contact with any patient. Gloves are available for every patient. We are currently adhering strictly to CDC guidelines recommending face masks for all public gatherings. If you don’t have a mask, we will show you how to make your own from household materials. Although we know the hesitation is still there when entering a public place, we would like to bring you some peace of mind in knowing that we are taking health protocols very seriously and will be doing our very best to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness and caution at all times. If you would like to know more about our health practices for staying

open during the quarantine, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Without hesitation, I can say that being in this clinic is one of the most sanitary places you can be right now. If you are still uncertain, we have the ability to perform telehealth visits through our new Joint Effort App. Consult with a physical therapist today For anything you may need or any questions you may have, our physical therapists are here for you. Schedule a consultation with Joint Effort Physical Therapy today to discuss your questions, concerns, and needs at this time.

www . j ephy s i ca l t he r apy . c om



• 1/4 tsp wasabi powder (optional) • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth • 1/2 cup coconut milk • Salt & pepper to taste • Squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice For garnish: • broccoli florets, lightly steamed • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, thinned with milk • Chia seeds

Allergy Symptom Reduction

A thorough cleaning can greatly reduce the amount of dust in your home, which is helpful since about 20 million Americans are allergic to dust mites, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

INGREDIENTS • 3 Cups baby spinach or super greens blend • 1 clove whole peeled garlic • 2 tbsp fresh ginger, sliced

Cleanliness Produces Happiness

• 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper • 1/4 tsp ground turmeric

Maybe you don’t enjoy the process of cleaning, but the end result will leave you smiling. A 2010 study at the University of California, Los Angeles even found that having a clean home can improve your mood and reduce your risk of depression.

DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients (except those for the garnish) together using a high speed blender. Heat over stovetop until steaming hot. To serve, pour into a bowl and garnish with broccoli florets, a swirl of yogurt, and chia seeds.


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