2C — September 25 - October 15, 2020 — Fall Preview — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal
E nergy M anagement
By Rob Holdsworth, Evolution Energy Partners The Benefits of Energy Efficient Building Projects
ou would love to make your facilities more en- ergy efficient in theory,
a year, with many requiring no upfront capital. Here are some of the benefits of energy
are reduced. Not only that, your entire operation can be- come more productive, with
overhaul of the facilities. But efficiency projects can easily be implemented using the building’s existing structure. It’s not about rebuilding your operation from the ground up. It’s about taking what you already have and making it work better and smarter. 3. Expert Assistance. A good energy efficiency project changes more than just the building itself. By bringing in experts in energy usage, you can shed new light on how your staff uses energy. They can then be taught new habits and be given more
efficient alternatives to bad practices. Real efficiency is accomplished from the inside out. 4. Improved Building Performance. This is the most direct benefit of an en - ergy efficient building project. Each area of your company is examined and evaluated, to see where energy can be saved. Recommendations are made, and changes are imple - mented, to optimize efficiency throughout. 5. More Efficient Equip - ment. Energy efficient proj - ects are about more than just the building itself. The equip - ment and machinery you use are a huge part of your energy consumption. Improving effi - ciency means inspecting that equipment to make sure it’s running properly: everything from tightening screws to replacing bad components. This not only helps it use less energy, but also to perform better in general, as well as maximizing its lifespan. 6. Improved Comfort. Making a building more ef- ficient doesn’t mean making it less comfortable. In fact, a big part of the process is find - ing ways to improve comfort without increasing energy use. Experts look at the com - fort needs of the building’s oc - cupant and find ways to meet them efficiently. For instance, you don’t have to refrain from turning the A/B on when it’s hot. Instead, you’ll have a system designed to keep you cool without running up your energy bill. Any building can be made more efficient. Even if it’s LEED-certified, or designed to a similar standard, there’s always room for improve- ment. That’s why efficiency is an ongoing process, rather than a simple one-time imple - mentation. Where do I start? Our ex - perts can help. We’ll evalu - ate your facilities and their energy needs and help you to improve efficiency in the long term. It’s simple, non-inva - sive, cost-effective, and not only will it save you money, but can increase your over- all productivity. With that in mind, the question isn’t, “how can I afford an energy efficiency project?” but “how can I afford not to have one?” Robert Holdsworth is the vice president of Evolution Energy Partners. MAREJ
but in prac- tice, it seems a lot more difficult. An energy effi- cient project could turn o u t t o b e expens i ve , complicated,
Energy efficiency projects can reduce your utility spend by up to 30% a year, with many requiring no upfront capital.
efficiency building projects. 1. Saving Money. The most obvious benefit to an energy efficient project is the savings. By optimizing your efficiency, your energy bills
less overhead. 2. Simplicity. You might think that making a building more energy efficient would require months of construc - tion and a complete structural
Rob Holdsworth
and time-consuming, right? As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite! Energy efficien - cy projects can reduce your utility spend by up to 30%
Drive Y our Corporate Sustainability W hile Saving Money.
Efficiency. Risk Management. Data Management.
Contact Evolution Energy Partners today at 877-280-4655 or info@evolutionep.com
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