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Early Referral For Physical Therapy Decreases Medical Costs For Your Patients A recent study published in the journal Spine sampled 439,000 patients from the Medicare and Medicaid systems who received low back treatments. The study showed, what physical therapists have known for a long time: referring patients to physical therapy early after a back injury helps them achieve quick, cost-effective results. The study showed that if patients were referred to physical therapy right away after acute low back pain, in conjunction with the prescribed treatments from their physician, the need for ongoing medical services was greatly reduced. This resulted in a significantly lower need for more complicated and risky procedures, including surgery. We do this with a thorough movement assessment of the back utilizing Applied Functional Science (AFS). All of our clinical staff are trained or certified in AFS, which locates the movements the patients are having the most trouble with and specifically addressing the movement issue. Traditional physical therapy will have someone perform ab bracing techniques and hope to see results in relieving low back pain that occurs in sit to stand. If the patient is having low back pain with sit to stand then we will work on getting sit to stand to be pain free through manual techniques and exercise in the sit to stand position. By referring to physical therapy at DynamX Physical Therapy right away, your patients can get on the road to recovery quickly. We make it easy to refer and stay in excellent communication with you throughout the entire treatment. This ensures your patient comes back completely satisfied and thanking you for referring them to us. Gellhorn, Campbell, Chan, Leighton, Brook, Janna., J Spine, 20 April, 2012 – Vol 37 – Issue 9, p 775-782.

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