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Member News
Rona Lascano is now Training Director for Ugly Dumpling, a part of the Vertex Hospitality Group.
Matt Wilson is now Senior Vice President of Operations at Newk's Eatery.
Patrick Asaro is now Vice President Operations at Aspire2B Hospitality Group.
PresidenTalks No Winter Lasts Forever
Are you in a winter season? “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” – Hal Borland (Poet and Naturalist) As we move into December, I was at a loss for what to write in this month’s President’s Talk. Admittedly, I stared at a blank screen for what seemed like hours (and collectively may have been as I opened the document, then closed it, and opened it again). As I thought about this time of year, my mind traveled to the season itself… Winter. In my reflections, I thought about how I complain about the cold
CHART President Dr. Felicia White, Ed.D, CHT
temperatures…although they are the perfect excuse to wear cowboy boots. I dread going to places where it snows…although seeing the trees, houses, and land covered with snow brings me peace. We know that winter can be cold and harsh, and may seem to last for more than a few months. At times, life itself may feel like a winter season. It can feel cold and isolated. At the beginning of May I graduated with my Ph.D. It felt like a beautiful snow had fallen and I could just sit and look
Trevor, my sweet little guy, looking dapper for the holidays
out the window at how beautiful everything looked. Then a blizzard came…my job was eliminated. It was hard to see what was in front of me as I spent countless hours applying, interviewing, and being rejected. There would be moments of calm (and even a little warmth), such as a family vacation or of course spending time with a couple hundred of my CHART “framily” members at the summer conference. Then, because the winter is not quite over yet, it’s cold, dark, and hard to see again. However, as the quote I opened with states, “no winter lasts forever.” Winter finishes its job of preparing nature for spring, allowing space for new leaves to take shape and grass to grow (i.e. a new job). There is hope and excitement of what is ahead – even with the rain showers and that last “cold snap.” (Side note: I always seem to be surprised around March or April when it is “surprisingly cold for this time of year,” yet it happens every year…but I digress.) I use this message to remind you (and me) that as we move “physically” through winter, to use the opportunity to reflect on its purpose, because even when it may be hard to believe, the changes that occur during winter are necessary to make space for what is to come. So, grab a blanket and a cup of hot cocoa (those family or friends you lean on for support), and know that although it might not seem like it…(for instance, when you live in Minnesota and it feels like winter lasts all but two weeks a year…sorry Minnesotans) …remember “no spring skips its turn.”
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