ON SITE r e v i e w
Eduardo Aquino is a partner in spmb (São Paulo-Winnipeg). He and Karen Shanski practice in the interstices between art and architecture. spmb.ca Rodrigo Barros is an architect, musician and activist from Valparaíso, currently stationed with Médecins Sans Frontières in Afghanistan. Neeraj Bhatia is an Assistant Professor at California College of the Arts, principal of The Open Workshop and Co-Director of InfraNet Lab. His work resides at the intersection of politics, infrastructure and urbanism. Can Vu Bui is a designer and writer based in New York City. His latest research on architecture, finance and the environment, ‘Ecotectonics?’ can be found in Perspecta 47: Money . Elisa C Cattaneo , 2014 Graham Foundation grant recipient, is adjunct professor of Landscape Design at the Politecnico di Milano. She is founder and principal of the independent research agency WeakCircus, through which she develops research and projects on contemporary urbanism. Will Craig is an architect practising in Calgary. He is an urbanist, interested in the ongoing transformation of the city through built form. Joshua Craze is apparently a 2014 UNESCO Artist Laureate in Creative Writing. He doesn’t really know what this means. www.joshuacraze.com Tim Cresswell is a geographer/poet who focusses on place and mobility in scholarly and creative work. His poems are widely published and his first collection, Soil , was published by Penned in the Margins (London) in 2013. Jennifer Davis , M.Arch, MRAIC, practices architecture and is an independent curator in Toronto. She has been awarded project grants from the Toronto and Ontario Arts Councils and was a scholar in residence at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in 2010. rearviewprojects.com Virginia Fernandez Rincon , reconciling design and activism, focuses on community-built public space as a foundation for social, political and economic equality. Her work is based in North and South America’s informal settlements. virginiafernandez.info Karianne Halse , MArch (2012), teaches in the Masters program at Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark, in addition to individual and collaborative production of experiments, workshops and projects. karianne-h.dk www.no38.org Cameron Hu is a doctoral student at the University of Chicago. Dennis Keen is a writer and ethnographer living in Almaty, Kazakhstan. His website is WalkingAlmaty.com , and you’re encouraged to write to him at DennisThorstedKeen@gmail.com Lindsay LeBlanc is currently studying at the Ontario College of Art and Design. She also works with KAPSULA Magazine—a digital, Toronto-based publication which promotes critical and experimental art writing. http://kapsula.ca/ lindsay@kapsula.ca Michael Leeb is a writer, visual artist, and photographer. He is a recent recipient of an Aboriginal Writing project grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. Tom Martin is an independent structural engineer in Calgary with a particular interest in prestressed and post-tensioned concrete structures. He has designed bridges and other large structures in Australia, Canada, South Africa and the UK. Ania Molenda is an independent Rotterdam-based architecture researcher/curator and founder of Amateur Cities . Her work focuses on the socio-cultural dimension of spatial practices and innovation in contemporary urban environments. www.aniamolenda.com Ruth Oldham studied architecture in Glasgow and London and now lives in Paris. She is interested in landscapes, waste, and the imagination – subjects she is exploring in an ongoing study of man-made mountains. rutholdham@gmail.com Yann Ricordel-Healy is a French independent researcher in contemporary art history in English-speaking areas (England, Northern Ireland, United States, Canada), studying links between painting, sculpture, photography, film, architecture and urbanism. Barbara Stauffacher Solomon studied graphic design at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Basel. She’s gone from painting supergraphics (lots of nothing on as big walls as possible) to making books and plays on a page (lots of something on as small -sheets of paper as possible). barbarastauffachersolomon.com Natalia Skoczylas – freelance journalist and full-time nomad, researching and writing about architecture and culture, music and literature; critic, art lover, social activist and cultural animator ad-hoc . Dropped academia to work on the ‘Better World Plan’. Thomas Strickland received his PhD in architectural history from McGill University in 2012. He has worked as an architect, artist and curator. His urban activist artwork, Points de vue , was exhibited at the Darling Foundry in Montréal. fonderiedarling.org/en/Points-de-vue-exposition Felix Wing Lam Suen is an Intern Architect-Designer at TACT architecture in Toronto. He has an MArch from the University of Toronto and a BFA from UBC. www.felixportfolio.com Stephanie White is the editor of On Site review . Although she quite likes this journal she never thought it would go past five issues, but people kept sending things to be published.
32 fall 2014
On Site review is published by the Association for non-profit architectural fieldwork [alberta] which promotes field work in matters architectural, cultural and spatial.
On Site review invites theme-based submissions — reviews, commentary, photo-documentation, project descriptions and critical essays in response to our calls for articles: www.onsitereview.ca/callforarticles For any and all inquiries, please use the contact form at www.onsitereview.ca/contact-onsite Canada Post agreement 40042630 ISSN 1481-8280 copyright: On Site review . All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise stored in a retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher is an infringement of Copyright Law Chapter C-30, RSC1988. subscriptions: www.onsitereview.ca/subscribe editor: Stephanie White design: Black Dog Running printer: Emerson Clarke Printing, Calgary www.emersonclarke.com distribution: Magazines Canada 416 504 0274 Ubiquity Distributors USA 718 875 5491 On Site review is available in a great number of news stands listed at www.onsitereview.ca/wheretofindonsite
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