Spring 2019 PEG

FOR PRESIDENT (2020-2021 Term)

Shawn Morrison, P.Eng. Professional Highlights

• More than 38 years’ experience in engineering and project management • Director of Mechanical Engineering and CEO of M5 Engineering Inc. in Calgary • Active APEGA volunteer, volunteering at Life Member Events, New Member Induction Ceremonies, and Iron Ring Ceremonies • Experience on APEGA Council, 2000–2003 and 2008–2011, including service on Finance Committee and Governance Committee

Question Responses

What does self-regulation mean to you as a member of APEGA? Self-regulation is a privilege. It means that our professions have the right for self-determination and governance. We can shape and control how the professions interact with and protect the public. This allows me to practise engineering in an environment that I choose. Why are you running for Council and why do you think it’s important to serve in this way? The opportunity to lead our professions would be a challenging and humbling experience. APEGA members help design and create amazing technical advances. We help implement concepts to enrich the lives of others. Leading such an organization is a challenge that I would eagerly accept, and I would work hard to fulfill the role’s requirements.

What challenges do today’s engineers and geoscientists face? The pace of change that technology brings is incredible. How we keep up with and lead those technological changes will be daunting. Ensuring our natural resources are developed responsibly and are sent out for fair market value is an immediate concern. Transitioning the future to other sources of energy, integration of artificial intelligence, robotics, advances in biomechanics are some of the other challenges that I see. APEGA allows me to practise my profession in a self-governing environment. One can choose to practise engineering and geoscience in a job- type role or as an adventure outside the norm by providing a consulting service. The public recognizes that professional members are held to a high standard, and we are compensated appropriately for our efforts. What is the value of professional membership in APEGA?


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