Spring 2019 PEG


Iyub Adam, P.Eng.

Personal Statement

Due to the struggle in oil and gas industries, thousands of our engineers have lost their jobs, and many graduate engineers and geoscientists have not been able to enter their chosen professions. We should note the recent challenges to self-regulation elsewhere in Canada, including instructions to APEGA’s counterparts to the west, EGBC, from the Government of B.C. Thus, self-regulated associations such as APEGA should maintain the confidence of the public and the government. During these complicated times, APEGA must amplify membership services to help members. We must develop closer relationships with other organizations that serve members. In today’s world, engineering and design is often outsourced and only the final work is done in Alberta. So, one of the most important issues facing APEGA today is the challenge of regulating in a period of outsourcing and off- shoring. We need to ensure consistent regulation of technical work in engineering and geoscience, regardless of place We have a duty to participate in the public debate on the issues that involve our professions, helping society make the right decisions. APEGA must provide a forum for all members to be heard and engage in discussions with the

public to better serve our communities and our province. I look for your support and look forward to engaging you in discussions on these and other subjects that concern you and our association.


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