Iyub Adam, P.Eng.
Professional Highlights • More than 20 years of experience in engineering, design, and project management of power projects, including 10 years of leadership experience as engineering manager/ team lead in ABB Inc. • Obtained knowledge of the EGP Act and its administration through the lens of a permit holder at ABB, and knowledge of working within organizations through IEEE and others • Robust awareness of case management, document management, and investigation practises within the power industry, considers themselves a strong and innovative team player
Question Responses
What does self-regulation mean to you as a member of APEGA? Self-regulation means that the association should fulfill its obligation to meet the public safety and government interest. It’s key to the success of APEGA. Also, APEGA should be transparent in all its activities and maintain public confidence. Why are you running for Council and why do you think it’s important to serve in this way? In today’s environment, engineering and design work is often completed overseas—outside of APEGA’s regulatory authority—and only the final work takes place here. So, one of the most important issues facing APEGA is the challenge of regulating the professions in an era of outsourcing and off-shoring. We need to ensure consistent regulation of technical work in engineering and geosciences, regardless of where the work is done. I would work with the association to try to limit outsourcing and get more jobs for members.
What challenges do today’s engineers and geoscientists face? Engineers and geoscientists should meet their due diligence and overcome cost and time constraints. Without the influence of management and power, engineers and geoscientists should perform their work for the best interest of the public. Engineers and geoscientists design a future world. They work on some of the most complex engineering and geoscience projects in Alberta. They provide technical solutions to some of the most challenging problems society faces. We have a duty to participate in the public debate on the issues that involve our professions, and to inform the public and elected officials of options so that they can make the right decisions to serve Alberta's interests. What is the value of professional membership in APEGA?
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