Lian Zhao, P.Eng., PhD
Professional Highlights • More than three decades of work experience in the upstream oil and gas and environmental consulting industries • Principal at CEPro Energy & Environmental Services Inc. and President of CEPro Foundations Inc. • Awarded a PhD in petrology at the Geology and Geophysics Institute in Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1995 and a PhD in Environmental Engineering at University of Guelph in 2007
Question Responses
What does self-regulation mean to you as a member of APEGA? APEGA’s members have privileges and responsibilities. Oversight of professionals is assured by self-regulation. APEGA’s specialities of public safety, licensing, outreach, education, and member relations dominate the work of engineers and geoscientists, who are specialized and sophisticated, and best-managed by APEGA’s comprehensive regulatory authority. APEGA also has the authority to prevent unqualified or unlicensed individuals from practising the professions. Self- regulation is efficient for business. Why are you running for Council and why do you think it’s important to serve in this way? The most worthwhile commitment is to embrace service to the public and the practices of engineering and geoscience at the upper-most tier of APEGA governance and make more contributions to a Council facing the challenges of low oil prices and economic difficulties. My education, six years of volunteering, and executive management experience are great assets for the Council. It is essential for me to run and serve our professionals more. APEGA Council determines the strategic direction of the organization.
What challenges do today’s engineers and geoscientists face? The challenges are maintaining competency among the various roles, especially technical, engaging with low oil price economics worldwide, and navigating challenging conditions to strengthen both sides of a professional’s creative critical thinking and integrated decision-making strategies. Also, reducing risk probability and creating effective ways to reduce costs also stick out. Promoting a higher engagement level among members is essential to secure and develop this self-regulated association. What is the value of professional membership in APEGA? As dedicated members in good standing, the membership with APEGA earn the confidence of the public and instill pride. APEGA promotes a business culture of belonging, inclusion, and diversity. Awareness of self-regulating professions and regulatory environments, and thorough knowledge of our governing legislation, make professional practice competitive. The recognized reputation and competency quality to protect the public’s best interest and block non- qualified persons from practice are mandatory.
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